Hospital (BSM)

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Age: 16

Your hurt on a hunt and you have to have to go the hospital

Your POV

"Sam Dean someone help." I cried out in pain. The reason I need help is because I went on a hunt alone and got her. My whole body is bloody and bruised. But the most painful thing is my legs broken.
"Oh god y/n are you ok." Sam asked running towards me. "Does it look like I'm ok." I grunted. When he saw my leg his face saddened. It was turned the completely the wrong way. Then his eyes moved to my stomach area. It had a massive gash across it. "Sorry sweetheart I need to put pressure on the cut." He said.
I nodded. He took off his flannel and ripped it. Then he rapped it around my stomach. He was about to tie it. "This is going to hurt." "Just do it." I said through gritted teeth. As soon as He tied it I screamed out in pain. "I'm sorry." He mumbled. "It hurts Sammy." I whimpered. "I know but you'll be ok soon." He said. He called dean so he could drive us to the hospital. "Your going to be fine y/n. You just have to wait for Dean." Sam said holding me. "Ok Sammy." I replied. I heard a roar of the impalas engine. "Sam y/n." Dean yelled. "We're over here." Sam yelled back. "Y/n why the hell did you go on a hunt alone." "Really dean that's what you asking." I said. "Because I have a broken leg. So get me to a freakin hospital." I growled. "That's What I came for." He replied. Then he picked me up and carried me to the impala. When we got to the hospital they ran me into the emergency area. "Hey we need a doctor." Dean yelled. At this point I felt like I was going to past out. "Dean I don't think I can stay awake." I mumbled. "No you have to. Just for a little while." He replied. Two doctors and a nurse come running with a gurney. "What happened to her." One of the nurses asked. "A wild animal attacked her." Sam answered. "Alright we'll see what we do." Then they rushed me away. Sam and dean tried to follow but were stoped by a nurse. "Sorry gentlemen you can't come back here. We'll let you know when you can see her." Nurse number two said. I felt one of them put an IV in my arm. I began to feel tired. Then I pass out.

Almost four hours later.

I jumped up. Where am I? my leg. What the hell happened to my leg." I moaned. I tried to get up but I felt a hand gently push me back down. "Hey take it easy tiger." Dean said.  "Dean, Sam why am I at a hospital." I asked not remembering getting hurt. "You broke your leg, had a huge gash in your side and severe bruising." Sam answered. "Oh. How long was I out." "Almost four hours." Dean said. "Well when can I leave." I asked. "They said you can leave tomorrow." Dean replied. "But I want to leave now." I whined. The thing was I don't usually whine. "Sammy why do I have to stay." He just chuckled. "Do you know why Sammy's laughing Dean." I pouted. "Yeah they gave her a lot of morphine." Dean laughed. "Now your both laughing." I was sad now. "No no we're sorry sweetheart. Your just funny when you high." Dean said barely holding it together. "You should be. Boop." I booped his nose. "I love you guy." I smiled. "We love you too." They both replied.

Ok so I, ending it here. I had no idea on how to continue. Also I just rewatched Sam interpreted. That where I got the high reader idea.

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