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I'm shooting for the solar system, man, don't judge me.

B O Y S 

Aster - Greek meaning Star

Atlas - Atlas, also designated 27 Tauri, is a triple star system in the constellation of Taurus.

Bardhyl - Albanian meaning White Star

Castor - Brightest star in the Gemini constellation 

Gemine - Latin: Two brightest stars in the constellation, Castor and Pollux

Kilo - Hawaiian: One who observes the stars, Daydreamer

Lucifer - Morning Star

Nash - Name of the Gamma Sagittarii star, which is located in the Sagittarius constellation. Nash is located exactly on the spout of the 'teapot'.

Nova - Star that increases in brightness then fades

Orion - The constellation 

Sirius -  One who is burning. A name of the Dog Star

*Solar - The name Solar is perfect for your little boy who is the center of your world. The name is related to the Sun, one of the brightest stars.

Sterling/Stirling - Little Star

Xing - Chinese meaning Star

Ylli - Albanian meaning Star

Yuka - Inuit: A bright Star

Zeke - Shooting Star


Astra - Greek meaning Star

Astraea - Starry one

Danica - Slavic meaning Morning Star

Elektra - Latin form of Greek , meaning "bright, shining." This is also the name of one of the nine brightest stars in the Pleiades cluster.

Elanor - Star sun

Estella/Estelle - Latin meaning Star

Esther - Persian meaning Star

Hoshi - Japanese meaning Star

Lyra - Harp-like constellation in the northern hemisphere.

Maribelle - Latin: A beautiful star of the sea

Marianela - Contracted form of Spanish Maria Estella, meaning Rebel Star

Nova - Star that increases in brightness then fades

Seren - Welsh meaning Star

Star - Star (what did you expect? Moon?)

Stella - Latin meaning Star

Tara - Gaelic: Star

Yuka - Inuit: A bright Star

*And let us not forget that the Sun is, in fact, a star.

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