Alexander Almaraz Junior

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Miguel looked beautiful with his swollen belly. Alexander just smiled at him as he was making Syrus sleep. And then, Miguel clutched his belly.

"Is he kicking again?" asked Alexander fondly. Their baby liked to kick around a lot.

"I think he is ready to come out," said Miguel and Alexander caught him.


Alexander beamed as he held his second child in his arms. His first born yes, but second child, no less loved. He just fell in love. He looked at Miguel who gave a tired smile.

"Where is my baby?" asked Miguel, a hand touching his son and sure enough, Syrus ran in, closely followed by the nurse. The nurse helped him climb onto the bed carefully and kiss Miguel who smiled fondly.

"Where is brother?" asked Syrus touching the belly which has gone down. Miguel nodded to Alexander.

Then, Syrus turned and saw the baby and beamed.

"He is red," said Syrus touching his brother gently.

"That he is," said Alexander.

"Sir, name," said a nurse coming in.

'Zyren' said Syrus.

The nurse looked at the parents who both nodded and smiled seeing as Syrus looked in awe at his brother.

"Enzo is going to love it," said Syrus beaming.

Alexander smiled as he held the baby closer to Syrus.

Zyren Endrizzi Almaraz just looked up at his dads and brother and gave a cute yawn and promptly fell asleep.


Alexander and Miguel watched as Syrus was babbling to Zyren who was paying attention to every single word.

"Mom said you informed the coach that you will be ready for the season start," said Alexander, his voice strained.

Miguel scowled.

"I am working out," said Miguel.

"You are stressing your body too much. Give it a couple more months Miguel," said Alexander.

Miguel looked at Alexander. His husband using his full name was never a good signal. The man usually calls him Miguel when he is angry.

"I am going to play. Nothing you say is going to change that," said Miguel stubbornly.


Alexander watched as Miguel was working out. He looked tired. The exhaustion was reeking off him. He just wished his stupid idiotic husband would listen. He was not talking to Miguel for the past couple of days. He knew that was hurting Miguel. But he was also getting hurt. He did not want to see Miguel trying to kill himself. The doctors had been very clear about the instructions. Miguel's body needed proper rest.


Miguel cried into the towel he used to wipe his face. It was matchday. He will soon be leaving home for the ground. His babies were both ready. He just needed to do this. He wished Alexander would just hold him. But he knew Alexander was right to be angry. It has only been one and half months after the birth. But he knew his body. He was ready. He can do it.

He went out and saw Alexander drop a kiss on both their sons' forehead. He also worried that Alexander might get fed up and leave him. The man hasn't touched him for the past five months.

He worried Alexander might find other bodies attractive. He worried about a lot of things. He was worth something because of his skill. His football. His body. If he lost that he will loose everything. He needed to get out there. He needed to show Alexander that he was still as attractive as he had been when the man revelled in taking him all night long. He worried about the strain he was now putting on his marriage.



Alexander looked up.

"I- started Miguel.

"It's time for my meeting. Jules will be in the box," said Alexander.

Miguel extended his hand to touch the man but Alexander walked out.

Miguel just stood there, hand in the air.


Alexander's legs felt like stone as he tried to move them. He was walking into the discussion room in his office where delegates from across the world waited. He just felt sick. He hated that Miguel had to be on the ground today. He can't see it. He can't watch Miguel do that to himself. After his first fall, the doctors had been clear about not giving him any sort of strain.

He had been too angry. He cursed his pride for leaving Miguel like that. Alexander has never loved anyone like he loves Miguel. The thought of loosing him made him be a more careful person. He made lesser enemies and even made compromises these days because he wanted to live a long life with Miguel. Miguel made him want to be a better person. Every day, his love for Miguel only grows. It is all consuming.

Alexander stopped halfway and looked at Andrew and Mikhael.

"You guys manage it. I -" Alexander broke off.

"Go ahead," said Mikhael.

"I will drive you to the stadium," smiled Sage and soon they were on way.


Miguel just stared at the blank wall of the dressing room. His babies were here. His heart however, was not.

"Brother" called Sergio and all the players looked up and stepped away in awe. There stood Alexander Almaraz in the dressing room.

Officially, he shouldn't be here.

"I thought you had a meeting," said Miguel looking at Alexander.

"Hey Beautiful," said Alexander and Miguel was on him the next moment. He realised that his colleagues were all probably watching, equal part scared and amused, but decided he did not care.

The fact was, his Alexander was here and that made all the difference. Miguel realised he was sobbing. He let Alexander's soothing words wash over him.

"I am so sorry. I can be a bastard at times," said Alexander making Miguel give him a small smile. The others had left leaving the couple to have time alone.

"I- I just wanted you to know that I am still the Mig you married. I am as good as I was then. I just did not want to loose you," said Miguel.

"Mig what are you saying? You could stop playing, be a stay at home dad, even get fat old and grey. I- I would never stop loving you," said Alexander shocked.

"Stop lying. You haven't touched me in five months. Even before that, we did not have a wild time for three months after I got pregnant. I know I was not in shape. I know. And I stopped playing. You know why the first coach fed me. He fed me because I was a prodigy. My game, my sport, without it I am nothing. Who would want me, a street rat other wise. It would not have been long before you left me for someone who is better," said Miguel. He do not know where all that came from.

Alexander just looked at him.

"You absolute idiot. What would I do with you, you vain narcissistic, clueless idiot. No I am an idiot too. We should have discussed it. Your health was bad Mig, I didn't want to cause you more complications. Remember, I spoke to the doctor after you fell. You were exhausting yourself and I know how rough I can be. Mig I did not want you or our baby to get hurt. You know sex is not necessary for me. But, you, you are necessary for me. I would die if I loose you, you foolhardy idiot," said Alexander.

Miguel looked at him like a child who threw a tantrum for nothing.

"So it was not my fat body?" asked Miguel.

"How many times did I tell you that you looked cute," said Alexander.

"Wrong word," said Miguel narrowing his eyes.

"Sexy," said Alexander amused despite himself and pulled Miguel closer who just broke down and clutched him tight.

"We are going to a counsellor and talk about all this. I need help," said Miguel.

"I will be with you all the way and I could have been less of an idiot. Communication is very important, I realise," said Alexander.

Miguel flushed.

"I even though you would end out marriage," said Miguel.

Alexander wanted to cry, for himself and Miguel. He really did.

"Oh, Vita mia, I am so sorry I made you feel that way," said Alexander.

Miguel blushed. They used that endearment only in the most intense and private moments only.


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