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"King?" She asked.

The young boy yelled something to someone in the background before returning to the phone. "Yeah."

"Hey." She replied laughing a little at how stupid she sounded. But she knew her mother was still in the front room and could possibly hear their conversation.

"Wassup. You okay?" He questioned taking a notice in how quiet she was talking. Usually she had an upbeat tone when ever she called him. But tonight it was different. She sounded broken.

"Umm yeah." She answered sniffling as she wiped her nose. Nikki shared everything with King but at this moment she couldn't. How could she let the first boy she ever love know that she was pregnant. The fear of him leaving was just something she couldn't bare.

She needed help now.

But why wasn't anyone helping?

"You sure bae?" He questioned not believing one word she said. "You want me to come o-."

"No." She interrupted almost a little to loud. For sure that her mother had heard her Nikki opened the door and creeped her head out just a bit. Her mother was still pacing but it seemed like she was on the phone with someone. And guessing from her mother words earlier it was her aunt.

Nikki had to be quick.

"No King I'm fine. It's just that." She trailed off shutting the door behind her. Nikki felt like her heart had traveled up to her throat and was now choking her.

"What's wrong Nik?" He inquired thinking of the possible things that could be wrong. King loved Nikki with everything inside of him so for her to be keeping something from him was eating him alive.

"I'm going to stay with my aunt for awhile." She choked up feeling a slight lift of weight off her shoulders. But her stomach still turned at the mention of it.

"So your moving?" King asked in disbelief. He was shocked at what he was hearing right now. His girlfriend was moving away. And now it felt like all the memories that they had made were now down the drain.

"Not for long though King. Just until my mom can get back on her feet." She explained hoping that she didn't have to go into the details of what was truth. She just needed a moment to think this through.

"Where does your aunt live?"

Nikki paused she glanced at the picture that sat on her night stand. It was for her sixteenth birthday and Nikki had convened her mother to invite King. But what she didn't know was Nikki and King were already a thing. There she was wrapped in his arms smiling down in her white dress and pink heels. Now looking back Nikki wished she didn't make that fashion choice.

"In Texas." She answered a little disappointedly.

"Texas Nikki? Are you serious?" He said a little upset. It was over in King's head he never believed in long distance relationships or just any relationship in where you didn't see the person. And now him and Nikki were faced with that problem. "Well when do you leave?"

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