I wake up to my alarm blaring through my ears. I turn it off and let out a huge sigh. I go back to school today. I force myself to get up and get a shower. As I walk across my hardwood floor, I wince at how cold it is on the bottom of my feet. I step into the bathroom, strip, and put on some music to wake me up. As I stand in the shower, I start to remember what happened last night. I try to decide whether it actually happened or if it was just a really good dream. I convince myself that it actually happened because I can barely walk right.
When I get out of the shower, I click my home button and look at my notifications. I have some from Instagram and Twitter, and a text from both Ethan and Grayson. I decide not to pay attention to them because the guilt will just rush back to me. My outfit for today is high waisted jeans with a grey NASA crop top, black vans and with my hair straightened. I never do my make up because it consumes so much time. After I'm done getting ready, I go downstairs, grab my keys and head out to my car. As I'm walking to the car, I notice that Ethan and Grayson are over with Austin and Catherine's house. They catch a glimpse of me walking to my car. Grayson looks concerned but Ethan is trying to hold back a smirk. He winks at me before I turn away and get in my car.
When I arrive at the school, I lock my car and try to walk inside. I walk inside and go to my locker, getting out my books for my first class. I'm swimming in my thoughts until Grayson comes up to me, followed my Ethan. I try to hide myself blushing and then Grayson speaks up.
"Hey Lydia. Are you okay? I noticed that when you were walking to your car, you were walking really weird. Did you sprain your ankle or something?" He asks, concerned. I don't dare tell him the truth.
"Yeah, last night I think. As I was getting out of my car." I say nonchalantly. I steal a glance of Ethan behind Grayson with a huge smirk plastered on his face. I hate lying to him but if him or anyone ever finds out about this, it's over for all of us. We're fucked.
"Oh okay, I hope you get better soon" He smiles. "I'll see you in a few minutes in class" he says while grabbing and squeezing my arm slightly.
I nod at him and continue getting the books out of my locker. Ethan takes a step closer to me and looks down at me."You sure you're okay? Maybe your thighs are sore from something sexual that you and Grayson have done?" He says, grabbing his thigh. I glare at him.
He knows exactly why I'm sore and it's because of him. He grins, knowing that he's getting under my skin.
"Shut the fuck up." I mouth. Ethan smirks at me and walks past me to our first period. I close my locker aggressively and start walking to first period. In first period, the teacher rearranged the desks to where it's three people in a group. And of course, he chose to pair me with Ethan and Grayson. Great. I'm sitting on the end, Ethan is in the middle and Gray on the other end.
As I walk to my desk, I notice both of them staring at me.
"What." I say as I sit down, not making eye contact with either of them. They shake their heads and the teacher begins with the lesson.
I start to think maybe I do regret doing that with Ethan, only because Grayson is so sweet and he doesn't deserve that happening behind his back. Even though Grayson and I aren't together, i still feel awful. My thoughts get cut off by a hand resting on my knee. I automatically know who it is so I don't bother to look. It starts inching further and further up my leg, but then I swat it away. I can see him smirking out of the corner of my eye.When the class ends, people start getting up to walk to their next class. I bend over to pick up my stuff and feel someone grab my hips and walk very close behind me. I turn around and almost slap the shit out of them, until I realize it's Ethan.
"Fucking stop, I thought I made you promise not to bring it up again." I whisper.
"I didn't say anything about it, maybe you're reading too deep into it." He cocks an eyebrow. For once I don't have a comeback. So I just walk past him, slamming my shoulder into his as I do.After the school day ends, I start to walk out to my car, but get stopped by Emma.
"Lydia I know we're not friends but you need to know who they really are." Emma starts. I chuckle at her trying to get under my skin.
"Who are you talking about." I say, walking to my car and putting my bag in my trunk.
"Ethan and Grayson, they're not good people. They-"
"And you think YOU are?" I say, cutting her off.
"I don't give a fuck about you or what you have to say, especially what you have to say about Ethan and Grayson. So just do me and everyone else a favor and stay out of my business and I'll do the same." I say, slamming my trunk and pushing a button on my key so that my door opens for me.
"Lydia please, they were involved in your dad's accident." I shut the door in her face.
"They're dangerous" she says through a muffled voice. I just ignore her and drive off.

Fanfiction"You're a fucking psychopath." "I prefer creative." Lydia lives in the same neighborhood as Ethan and Grayson Dolan and they finally meet. Who would've known they would be so obsessive over her? Will she find out who they really are?