It was early and Dr. Kathy Fionna Song Mills was going through the hospital doing her rounds. As she knocked on the hospital room of Lena Luthor, Lia calls over her shoulders, "Come in!"
Kathy opens the doors, "I was going to ask how the patient was," Kathy gestures to Lena's nails which were being painted by Lia, "but I see your relaxed… so I have good news tomorrow you and your twins can go home— though you have to be in bedrest for two weeks, which entails no heavy lifting, or doing housework…"
Lia laughs, "So like any day?"
Lena grabs the roll of magazine and playfully whacks Lia on the head.
Lia then giggles, "Ow."
"Serves you right." Lena smirked. "Making fun of me?"
"Oh you are so lucky you just gave birth." Lia frowned.
"What you'll send Alex on me?" Lena teased.
Alex stood up, "Nope, Bella never did that. She handles her own fights…"
"Speaking of…" Amanda stood and walked over for her friend handing her the phone, "Sally Jackson is gonna be in National City…"
"Why?" Lia asked clearly annoyed.
"Keep scrolling." Amanda instructed.
"She has gotten a job?" Lia questions.
"Yes, keep scrolling." Amanda nodded.
Lia did as she was told, "At L-Corp? As my assistant?! Has the world gone mad?!"
"Looks like karma to me." Amanda chuckled.
"Not funny!" Lia frowned.
"What's going on? Who is this person?" Lena questioned.
Lia sighs, "Sally May Jackson, was the queen bee in Midvale High straight A student but she always came in second place…"
"Lemme guess you were first?" Lena guessed.
"Anyways, she was extremely jealous and bullied vowed to make my life and I quote 'supes miserable' that I'd no longer want to live and she did for a month…"
"But then I told the principal and she got arrested…" Amanda admitted.
"For bullying?" James couldn't believe it.
"For threatening Bella with a knife." Kara chimed in.
"A knife?!" Lena was visibly upset, "What kinda highschool monster would bring a knife to school?"
"The kind I've got to deal with." Lia looks down as she continues to apply nail polish on her sister's nails.
"Oh my God!" Lena raises her hand off the desk to stop her sister, "Are you alright?"
"Okay… don't be so OA, I'm still here." Lia said, as a matter of factly. "Plus, if it weren't for that experience I wouldn't know what to do with Lex holding a knife to my neck…" Lia shrugged.
Kathy saw that the news was stressing Lena out. "No stress. I'm prescribing both you ladies to stay away from this woman for at least two weeks…"
"But…" Lia looked at the doctor, "what?"
"I'm sure that the thought of you being near this woman will stress Lena out," Kathy decides, "so I'm telling you, Layliana to stay away from this woman to not stress your sister." Kathy writes the order on the pad and hands it to Lia before leaving.
"Ang sarap…" Amanda sighed.
"Ano nanaman ang tinakman mo at masarap?" Lia asked.
"Ang sarap mong kutusan." Amanda clarified.
Lia scoffed, "As if you can in front of my Ate… baka pa jail ka nya."
"True." Amanda nodded, "I cannot not in front of your Ate, anyways. But let's go to Tita Jackie for you need to be kutusan."
"No, honey. Tita Jacky wouldn't dare she's way too nice to kutus someone." Lia smirked.
"Hello what is 'kutus'?" James asked.
Lia grins and goes over to James to whisper in his ear, "To hit somebody's head using the knuckles…"
"Are you kidding me?!" James demanded.
"Whoa! Calm down, James, Mandy was only kidding around…" Lia said. Lia started to collect her things.
"Where are you going?" Lena asked.
"To the cafeteria to eat…" Lia replied, "In case you haven't noticed I'm hupset."
"Bring me back a jello." Lena sighs.

Blood Vs. Water
FanfictionYou can't choose family. Izabella Danvers learned that a long time ago. But what if this family holds secrets that even Supergirl, doesn't know about? Oh and a btw the main character will speak Tagalog. I own absolutely nothing just Izabella/Lia.