• This Kiss •

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{Y/N's POV}

  [I had such a good time with Mr. Lopez. He made me laugh a lot. We went out to eat at Five Guys. We kept throwing fries at each other. It was too funny, cause one fell in his nose when he leaned back, laughing. Then, we went to the movies, but all we did was kiss through it. His lips were so irresistible. His tongue tasted like sour Skittles and Snickers. To me, it tasted really good. Then, we went out for ice cream from Handel's. We shared a large cup of vanilla bean ice cream. I really didn't want the date to end. Mr. Lopez might've been 26, but he did have a side to him that still acted 17. He pulled up to my house and walked me up to my front door. All of the lights were out except for mine, which meant Robyn was here and waiting. I turned to look at Mr. Lopez, when his lips smushed onto mine. But this kiss wasn't any other kiss we've had. This was a slow and steady kiss. No tongue, just lips. Even though hr tried to stick his tongue in a couple times, he noticed that it didn't go right with it. This kiss said it all. We were officially in love with each other. He pulled back, grasping my hand in his.]

  "I had a great time tonight," I said.

  He blushed. "I did, too. I wish we could go on another one."

  I nodded, disappointed. "Yeah, me, too. But, you know my mom got me studying for your class. AND semester finals are coming up, so she's making me study for that, too. Which means I can't go anywhere."

  "I know," he said, sighing. "But, at least we'll still see each other at school."

  "Yeah... " I trailed off.

  He kissed my cheek. "Goodnight, beautiful."


  [We kisses again, and I watched him drive off. I stepped into my house, only to bump into Del Reux and Robyn. Then, they started pulling me to the couch and asking a lot of questions. This was gonna be a long night.]

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