Chapter 7

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The news that you were dating Jungkook spread pretty quickly. It surprised you that people were this interested in your life. Or was it Jungkook' s life. You didn't know Jungkook was this popular.

You would be lying if you told that you've never noticed him before. You had seen him here and there. But you never cared because you had Jackson.

You sounded like one of those movie characters that just became popular because she is dating one of the popular jocks.

You definitely wanted to be popular. But you were scared. You were scared whether Jungkook's popularity would affect the whole thing that you had going on.

You were sitting at the lunch table waiting for Joonie. “Hey” you heard Jungkook's voice. “How was your day?”

“It was good.....Yours?”

“Really good. Thanks to a certain someone.” He said eyeing you.

You blushed because you had to.

“So I was thinking maybe we cou-” Jungkook was cut-off by Jackson.

“Hey can I sit here?”

“You cannot.” You said sternly before adding “Of course you can. What are you 5?”

Jackson started laughing pretty loudly. Seeing him Jungkook felt like he was falling behind. He had to impress you. So he too started laughing hysterically.

You and the entire cafeteria just gave them ‘imjudgingthemsohardrightnow’ look.

They both went silent after realising it wasn't funny.

“So Y/N, I wanted to ask whe-” Jackson who was speaking was quickly cut off by someone.

“Y/N- ie...” You looked behind you to find
“Namjoon-ie…” you squealed. “I was waiting for you.”

The two men who were with you previously, cringed at what you said.

Namjoon glared at Jackson giving him a ‘whythefruhere’ look. He was about to say something to him but Namjoon was a smart guy and hence didn't want to cause a scene. Namjoon looked at the new guy in the table already knowing who he is. His eyes went sad for just a second. Nobody noticed that except Jackson, of course.

“So you're not going to introduce me to your boyfriend?”

“Do the introductions yourself. I'm hungry” you said before stuffing your mouth with food.

Namjoon rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Hey I'm Namjoon. Y/N-ah's one and only true love.”

You snorted at this followed by a groan because Namjoon kicked your feet under the table. You glared back at him.

“I'm Jungkook. As you know, Y/N-ah 's one and only boyfriend.” Jungkook forced his lips into a thin smile

It was Jackson's turn to speak(after a long time)
“You got yourself a keeper Y/N” It was weird coming out of his mouth.  But Jackson was never able to properly diss Namjoon and now that Jungkook was doing it, he was growing a liking towards the boy.

“Yes, Y/N-ah you finally did.…..” Namjoon looked at Jackson's direction “well after many failed attempts of course.” You snorted.

You understood why Namjoon didn't like Jackson but you couldn't understand why Jackson hated Namjoon so much. But you loved all this drama though. You knew they wouldn't harm each other in any way. The way they sassed at each other was entertaining. But they would graduate this year. You suddenly felt sad thinking about it. You had one more year left to graduate. Even though Jungkook was in the same year as you, that would make it much more difficult for you.

“Y/N so I was thinking if you wanted to go this museum today evening. You know you always liked that place.” Jackson quickly said out of nowhere.

You furrowed your eyebrows at him. You literally had no idea what he was trying to do.

He saw this and realized how weird it sounded so he continued “No-not alone. We can go on a double date or something.” He actually had something in his mind.

You and Jungkook were for some reason excited all of a sudden.

Well Jungkook was excited because his plan was being set into motion step by step. He wasn't even doing anything.

But Jungkook, Jackson and Namjoon weren't sure as to why you were so excited. Let's just say that you were happy in getting what you wanted.

The bell rang marking the end of the lunch hour.
You got up first but before you left you remembered something “Oh even Joonie gets to come. He really loves the museum.” You grabbed Namjoon's hand and left the cafeteria.

The two men groaned mentally for their own reasons.
Double date+Namjoon
How romantic!


While you were walking towards the classroom, you were thinking about how for a while you actually went back to the old times. Namjoon and Jackson dissing each other, you all laughing like you are the only people in the whole cafeteria, being excited for hangouts. You liked that things looked like they were going back to normal but you knew it wouldn't. It would never be normal ever again. You are not sad about this fact. After all you were the one who started it….

You suddenly got pulled backwards by….


“Y/N, what are you doing?” He asked you dead serious.

“What? Me? I'm walking towards the classroom”  You were genuinely confused.

“No that's not what I meant. I mean why are you doing that double date shit. Are you crazy?”

“Oh come on Joon, it's just a double date.”

“Yeah with your ex-boyfriend who is currently dating your sister after you caught him cheating on you with your sister” He said all this without taking a single breath. It was like he was rapping.

“Geez Namjoon, you don't have to worry about it. I'll be fine. I'm really over it. You people think I'm some kind of a weak little ‘I love him even tho he cheated on me’ kind of a girl. Plus me and Jackson weren't even that serious.”

Namjoon's eyes softened when you said that. He knew you didn't mean that. He knew how happy you could be whenever Jackson was around. Maybe because Jackson was your first boyfriend or maybe it was because you really loved him very much but Namjoon knew that for the three months that you dated Jackson you were so lively. You used to talk more. You giggled at every silly thing. But after Namjoon came back from his vacation in America, during which Jackson cheated on you, he couldn't find the old you anymore. Of course you talked to him and everything and acted like you did before, your eyes carried a hint of sadness.

And Namjoon hated Jackson even more for doing all these things to you. Namjoon was always a clever man. He knew how to control his emotions. But he was afraid that one of these days he might just let them burst out on Jackson. And all for you……

“Plus you will be there right? Then I have nothing to be scared of.” You said bringing back a zoned out Namjoon.

Namjoon nodded showing off his dimples.

…….. all for you. After all, you were the only one who could control his emotions so well.

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