Alaska opened her eyes and was greeted with the sight of Scinece hovering over her, her hands glowing. When she attempted to sit up, Scinece gently pushed her down. "You hit your head a bit too hard on the floor, so I think it's best if you lay down for a few more minutes," she said, before making her way to the bathroom. She emerged holding a small basin filled with water and a hand towel.
Alaska made to grab the objects but Scinece shushed her and dipped the towel into the water. When she refused to give out her arm, Scinece opened her mouthh and called, "Elaine! Gina!" Alaska's eyes widened. Oh no, she thought. The mischievous albino wolf smirked at her, knowing that she was feeling panicked now. The Alpha female and Beta both stepped inside the room, identical grins on their faces. When they moved to both sides of her body, Alaska knew just what they were planning to do.
But even a Delta was no much for the strength of an Alpha and a Beta combined. As Elaine and Gina held the still struggling Alaska, Scinece hummed and went about her job of wiping down the Delta, an innocent smile on her face.
Alaska sighed and asked, "Why can't I do this myself?" Elaine raised an eyebrow. "Your brother said you start remembering things from your past now that he's here and suggested you not be left alone for the time being, just in case something like last night happens to you again," Elaine explained before she sighed and looked at Alaska, concern written all over her face.
"You really scared me last night, A. You're like a sister to me and seeing you crumble just like that, I felt helpless," she whispered. Before Alaska could answer though, Gina let go of her arm and hugged her tightly. "Don't you ever do that again. Or I'll make sure you never leave my sights again. I'll be watching you like a hawk from now on," Gina said and put on a serious face that Alaska couldn't help but laugh.
Elaine and Gina looked at her, soon joining in her boisterous laughter.
Scinece watched the trio in their laughter and she could see that they had a bond, one that could never be separated. It was refreshing to see Alaska with so many emotions, seeing as she almost always had a stoic expression on whenever she and the Delta crossed paths. Her expression was, for the lack of better words, as cold as Alaska itself. But then she frowned, thinking back to last night when Alaska's brother burst in the house, almost destroying half the living room. Said brother was now under the watchful eyes of Lincoln who didn't trust the man.
Elaine was cautious around the man, but had no other choice but to let him stay with Nameless, since he was after all Alaska's brother. But Scinece could still feel the anxiety rolling off of her mates, alongside Gina, Polly and her father, Jim. Polly and her father had taken the part of being parents to Alaska, much to Scinece's surprise. While she and her brother were preoccupied with their mate, Polly had taken Alaska under her motherly wing without the Delta even knowing it. And so, Jim was pulled into it by his mate, but he found himself unable to resist the urge to be a father to Alaska.
In another room, Lincoln, Sebastien and Faust sat in silence in Faust's office, aside from when Faust would fire a question at Sebatien. Lincoln stared at Sebastien, so much so that the man in question was fidgeting under his gaze. Faust, upon noticing this, ordered him to stop. Once Lincoln fixed his gaze elsewhere, but keeping his ears on the conversation, Faust continued to badger Sebastien with questions. Questions that he refused to answer until Alaska, or Sophia as he calls her, was in the room with him. Lincoln narrowed his eyes at Sebastien, trying to look into his mind but stopped when he remembered Elaine and Scinece's firm warning not to read his mind until Alaska was feeling better. He just rolled his eyes at that. Elaine gave him a slap on the head as punishment.
Speaking of, the back of his head throbbed as it was reminded of the force of the smack. He winced when he lifted a hand to touch the throbbing area. A hand then grabbed his wrist and he recognized the thoughts of his sister. "Here, let me." She said before her hands glowed dimly and the throbbing decreased as she hovered her hand over the back of his head.
Alaska? He asked mentally and Scinece pointed with her thumb behind her. Alaska stood at the doorway, Elaine behind her, her stance tense as she glared at Sebastien. Lincoln grinned as she glared at Sebastien and he fidgeted under her gaze. Faust noticed this and sighed.
"Enough with the glaring. We need to talk about this and I want to get this over and done with," Faust said, exasperated. Or else Keller's not letting me sleep on the bed tonight, he added mentally, looking pointedly at Lincoln who he knew heard it. Lincoln coughed into his fist to cover his laughter and Faust cleared his throat.
Elaine, though, was too observant and said, "You can go, Faust. I know you're tired and you haven't been giving Keller much attention. Go, this concerns my pack members anyways." Faust cast her a grateful glance and stood from the chair he's been practically chained to the past few days.
"You're free to use the office and just call me if you need any help," was all he said before he was gone. But please don't, was what he added later when he was entered his and Keller's room. Keller was just about to go under the covers, thinking that she was going to sleep tonight without her mate again. She sighed. She knew she should be more understanding but, goddamn, she just wanted her mate and for them to cuddle and not have him up and about before the sun was even up. When the door opened and in walked Faust, she wasn't ashamed to have shed a few tears when he walked across the room and pulled her into his hard chest and hugged her tight, almost as though he never wanted to let her go again. "You better not let me go," she whispered and Faust chuckled, the sound vibrating across his chest.
Anyways, let's go back to the office where the atmosphere was so tense and thick, you could barely breathe. Elaine was the first to speak.
"How did you find us?" She asked the question that was on everyone's mind.
Sebastien gulped, the sound almost echoing in the quiet room. Then he took a deep breath before delving into his story.
So, that's that. New book guysssss whoop! Who's excited to find out about Alaska????? I actually was planning to write Gina's story before Alaska's but then seeing how Gina's story had already woven itself during Alpha, I didn't bother. Don't worry though. You'll see more of Parker here and besides he's a cutie even though I haven't found an actor to play him yet but I have a few in mind. And since we're on the topic of actors, can ya'll suggest actors for the cast of Alpha cause I suck at looking for people to cast for my characters. Pm me or comment the actor/actress you have in mind for the following:
Elaine chernoble
Scinece and Lincoln Evans (it's fine if the actors arent albino; although i kinda see them as Alexandra and Matthew Daddario even though theyre not twins)
Gina Ultima
Alissa White
Duke Opal
Polly O'Neil
Jim Evans
Faust and Keller ErinAnd that's all, please and thank youuuuuuuuuu!! Love ya'll and see you in the next update

ParanormalAlaska sat there with her family, watching the hilarious moments pass. Contentment passing through her veins as her Alpha laughed and joined in on the conversations being passed around the table; as her best friend, Gina, smiled happily with her mat...