~Incorrect Mishaps Quotes 5~

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Finished rewriting the prolouge~! Only like 24 chapters to go :P

Kirishima: Who ate my powdered donuts?
(Name), mouth full of donuts: Not me—
Kirishima: Then what's that white powder on your jeans?
(Name): That's cocaine.
(Name): Guess what I'm about to get!
Bakugou: On my nerves?
(Name): I'm going to strangle you!
Bakugou: You can't even reach my neck—
(Name): You've sunk low enough for me to try.
Kirishima: Jail's no fun, I'll tell you that.
Todoroki: You've been to jail?
Kirishima: Once in monopoly—
(Name), angrily screeches.
(Name), on the phone: Todoroki help, my hands are stuck in pringles tubes
Todoroki: Both hands?
(Name): Yes, both.
Todoroki: How did you dial the phone?
(Name): That doesn't matter
(Name): 'Sleepy' is so much cuter than 'tired'! Everyone needs to stop saying 'tired' and start saying 'sleepy'.
Bakugou: I'm so sleepy of your shit.
Kirishima: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated!
(Name): Killed without hesitation.
(Name): Chillax!
Todoroki: (Name), that isn't a word.
(Name): Sometimes the ones that deny that 'chillax' is a word needs to chillax the most.
Waiter: What can I get you two?
(Name): Can I get a milkshake with two straws, please?
Todoroki, blushing: Aww, (Name)—
(Name), putting both straws into her mouth: Look how fast I can fucking drink this!
(Name): I was thinking about flat out stealing...
Kirishima: What! No way!
(Name): Why not? We already stole Todoroki.
Kirishima: No we didn't, Todoroki is his own person! He can do whatever he wants.
Todoroki: I wanna steal.

☆Mishaps & Strawberry Milk☆ {Shouto Todoroki x (Writer!) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now