This is after the turtles get mutated. April leaves them and starts a new life along with shinni and karai. the turtles a human, they go to collage, leorai , lemon, M rated. yada yada find out the rest in the story!!!
Leonardo: I woke up and groaned, it's my first day of collage. I did all my morning things and went to my closet.
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(I wore this) I grabbed my bag and walked to the front door. I pulled out my car keys and sat in my black Skoda Superd. I waited for my brothers. We went to Starbucks and then to collage.
I parked my car and walked through campus. For some reason girls on my left and right were stearing at us with hearts in eyes. I was confused. But A sertain girl cort my my eye. She had a slim figure. Nice curves. Amazing model fit face. She wore.
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Then it hit me "karai" I mumbled, she stood with two others.
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"Shinnigami" said Mikey
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"She's that wizard Erza Scarlet" said Ralph and Donnie. Karai looked at me and smirked. She said something towards the other girls. They nodded. April and Mona came up to them. The girls walked towards us. Karai gave me her signature smirk. "Welcome to Fairy Tail collage. In here you are tort magic if you please or fighting or both. You are tort normal classes to. I must worn you about two students. Me and Karai are the strongest fighters here, we both use requip magic. Anyway Leonard you are with karai, Ralph with Mona, Donnie with April and Mikey with Shinni." Said Erza. Karai groaned and leaned on shinni. "Why do I have to do it, why can't you." She winned. Erza sighed. "Too bizzy sourking Jallal?" Asked Karai. Erza blushed. "Shut up" she said. Karai giggled and looked our way. "Weres the turtle form?" She asked. Me and my brothers froze. "H-how did you.." I stuttered. She wraped her arm around me neck. "Mr Hamato you must know me by know, I have ways. Or I could say I was enjoying watching you all fight" she said. I blushed when she pressed her chest against my arm. She pulled out her tanto and pointed it at a blonde haired guy. "Don't try" she growled at him. The blonde haired guy back away with his hands up. "He never learns" growled Shinni. She leaned on Mikey while Erza texted away. "Karai take Leo too his Class" she said. Karai growled and took a paper out of Erza's pocket with out her knowing. "Roses are red, vilotes are blue, I can't stand a day with out you xxx Jallal" she read. Erza blushed and pulled out her sword. "Give it back" she said. Karai laughed. "Come take it" she said. Erza swiped her sword at her. Karai blocked it with her sword. Karai kicked Erza's leg making her fall. Karai pointed her sword at her. "Too slow" she said As she threw the paper at Erza. Karai put away her sword and walked over to me. "What's ya next class" she asked me. I blushed. She was so close to me.
I wanted to kiss her so bad. "Lecture hall" I said. Karai nodded. She grabbed my hand and began to walk into the building. She let go of my hand and walked a head. Suddenly a girl with pink hair came up to me. "Hi... would you... like to go on a date with me?" She asked. I looked at karai for help. Karai tapped her hand on her shoulder. "Sorry darling but hes taken." She said harshly. "By me" the pink haird girl looked at karai in fear. "Sorry miss karai. I didn't know" she said As she ran away. Karai signeled me to walk with her. "Why did you say I was taken?" I asked her. Karai shrugged. "First thing that came to mind" she said.
Karai: I stopped infrount of two large doors. I pushed one open and sat at the back. I told Leo to sit with me.
Leo was taking notes while I was texting away. "Miss Karai, phones away" said Mr Guildarts I groaned and put my Phone away. I sat In bordum for what felt like hours.
I began to feel sleepy. I tried my hardest to stay awake but failed.... miserably.
Leonardo: I felt a head fall onto my shoulder. I looked and blushed. Karai was asleep on my shoulder. She looked cute. Suddenly the door flew open. A mestireous person came in. Karai jolted awake. "I challenge the great karai to a battle." She said
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Karai stood and nodded. She yawned. She took out her tanto and walked towards her. "STOP! FIGHTING IS ONLY ALLOWED IN THE CAMPUS!" Shouted the teacher. The girls groaned and nodded. Everyone walked to the campus. Soon everyone in the collage joined. I watched from a balcony with Erza, April, shinni, Mona and my brothers. Karai transformed.