3~ They Do Exist...

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Ryan's POV:

Ryan awoke while it was still dark out, checking his phone. His eyes hurt from the bright light. Really? It's only 3 a.m.? This sucks! Maybe I should have some more of that blossom-water...

He went to get comfortable again, facing away from the tent this time. Only when he did this, he noticed he was alone. Shane wasn't taking up half of the space.

Must've gone to the outhouse or something...

Bergara tried going back to sleep, but was unable to, no matter how hard he tried. Not even drinking some more of that water was helping. After tossing and turning for several minutes, he grew worried. Not just for his sanity, but for Shane, who hadn't come back yet. What was stranger was that his phone and both flashlights were still in the tent with Ryan, Shane didn't take anything to light his path.

...What did you do, you crazy idiot? Ryan thought, hoping it was just his friend trying to scare the life out of him.

He wandered out of the tent, flashlight in hand. He looked around the whole campsite, with not a sign of Madej in sight. He checked the crew's tents, but everyone was out cold with some even snoring. The sense of urgency was the only thing that kept him from trying to wake them up.

The silence surrounding their area both calmed and frightened Ryan. He didn't know which was worse at the moment, noise or silence. Either way, he pressed on, going into the woods.

Where the fuck are you, Shane?

Ryan approached the clearing, unsure of what he would find. He hoped it was nothing. Or better yet, he hoped it was Shane. And for a slight second, he thought he had found just that. However, that thought quickly dissipated when he realized his friend was levitating.

Holy shit...

He froze in fear, hearing an awful shriek coming from the trees. It was only when he looked up that he realized what made the unsettling sound. At first, all he could see were its eyes, bright and red, piercing through the darkness. He managed to move the flashlight just a bit, in doing so, he saw exactly what those eyes belonged to. Hooves for feet, it stood on its hind legs, huge bat-like wings, the face of a horse and a long reptile-like tail. This was it. The fabled Jersey Devil, staring down at him.

Oh God... Oh lord, help me... Father Thomas! Remember what Father Thomas said...

"Do not be afraid... Do not be afraid... Do not be afraid..." He began to mutter to himself, his free hand gripping his chest as the creature jumped down from the tree and approached him. The ugly beast let out a low growl, huffing as he did so.

Ryan reached into his shirt, pulling out a cross which was around his neck. "Do not be afraid..! Do not be afraid..! Do not be afraid..! Do not be afraid..!" He continued to say as he pulled off the crucifix and placed it between himself and the creature. It shrieked again, this time bothered by what Ryan had done. It shook its head, retreating into the forest which surrounded the clearing. Before long, it was gone.

Seeing that thing's reaction helped the short man's confidence for a second, making him turn towards whatever he thought was his friend a few moments ago. The floating spirit looked like Shane, but with rough grey skin, black claws and horns, sharper canines that looked like fangs and eyes like obsidian. It was also wearing Madej's clothes from that day.

That thing possessed Shane!

"What the fuck are you? What have you done with Shane?!" Ryan yelled, holding the cross out in front of him, still visibly afraid for his life.

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