Chapter 7: Sorry.

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April 16th, 2026

6:20 pm

For the last 10 minutes, I've been roaming around. My heart has calmed a little bit since I found out Jungkook was the other spy. Lily, being very petty, has limited my communication with Jungkook, as I have to communicate directly to him and not through her.

"Aren't you supposed to be my translator?" I say angrily. Lily shrugs.

"Hey, its the PD's rules. If I translate everything, the game might go on too fast and you and Jungkook would win completely." Lily gives me an apologetic smile. I sigh, looking for the notes. I don't even open the notes anymore, I just hide them in my bra everytime I find one. The only notes I do open are the red ones, and they are normally very obviously pointing towards Jungkook and I. The last red note I got literally said "bunny." With that note, I was so nervous somebody would catch it that I literally ripped it up, went to the women's bathroom, and flushed it down the toilet.

After a few minutes of no interaction with any of the BTS members, I spot Hobi walking towards me, waving me over with a hand.

"Hey." I beam. Hobi grins back at me, showing his gums. Around the corner, Jungkook appears. I eye him knowingly, hoping he gets my hint. He nods and heads casually towards Hobi, who doesn't suspect a thing.

"You found anything?" Hobi asks, sweating profusely in his outfit.

"No, everything I found was useless." Lily translates to Hobi as Jungkook approaches.

"안녕 쿠키, 찾았 니? 나는하지 않았다. 나는 아직도 강민이라고 믿는다. 그는 요즘 너무 의심 스럽습니다. 나는 여전히 내 팔찌를 착용하고있다. 나는 지민이 내게 올 때마다 팔찌를 당긴다. 나는 그를 보았고 의심 스러웠다..(Hello Kookie, did you find anything? I didn't and I still strongly believe it is Jimin. He is so suspicious nowadays. I still have my bracelet on, I've been pulling it higher whenever Jimin comes to me. I just saw him and he was suspicious.)" As if right on cue, Hobi dangles the bracelet in front of us. Jungkook gives his bracelet a playful tug. I grin and reach forward towards the bracelet.

On cue, Jungkook uses one hand to grab Hobi's slim body and cover his mouth, practically forcing his fist into Hobi's mouth. Shocked, he tries to slide away. I give Hobi a sorry look and grab at his bracelet. Since his fists are clenched, it is hard for me to snatch the bracelet, and I have to use my strength to pull it off. When it is off, Jungkook finally lets go of Hobi.

He curls to the ground, gasping for air. The scene looked as if Hobi just completed a really hard dance routine, when in reality, he was fighting off Jungkook. Maybe the recent military time was useful.

When he recovers from what had just happened, he glares at Jungkook and then gives me a look of surprise.

"I'm really sorry. Sorry, sorry." I feel genuinely bad, as I know that for some part, Hobi was letting me off easy and putting all the blame on Jungkook. Hobi waves me off, as he's returning to his normal senses, he doesn't look as intimidating. Staff lead him away(Similar to Running Man; when someone is 'out,' they are led away by security or staff members), whilst Jungkook and I high five one another, beaming.

"Split?" Jungkook says. I take in account he probably means to split up, so we don't look suspicious. I nod and give Jungkook a high five. We turn away from each other and walk in different directions, ever so casually as if we didn't even meet.

April 16th, 2026

6:43 pm

"Hoseok is out?" Tae says, shocked. We all nod, all of us looking more innocent then the next. "How?" Tae questions each one of us before giving up, slumping next to a pillar.

Tae's eyes linger on me, as I see a visible note in the front pocket of his jeans. He must've found something pointing the hint towards me.

"I don't know? Who was with him last?" I question, hoping that no one saw Jungkook and me practically beating him up for the bracelet.

Namjoon claps his hands, his mouth wide open. He points a finger at Jimin, who is fuming.

"나 아니야! 나는 그의 팔찌를 벗지 않았다! 나는하지 않을 것이다!(It wasn't me! I didn't take his bracelet off! I wouldn't!)" Jimin pleads with us, trying to back away. Namjoon and Yoongi start taking big strides towards Jimin. He's practically on the verge of exploding, Jimin claws at Namjoons grip.

"너는 그와 마지막으로 있었고, 우리는 모두 함께 있었고, 그가 나가기 몇 분 전에.(You were with him last, we were all together, minutes before he was out.)" Namjoon concludes, as Yoongi nods in agreement. Tae, on the other hand, tries to stop them, reasoning its Jungkook instead. Jimin nods at Tae's remark, probably just wanting to stay in the game.

I don't know what to do. Jungkook and I had discussed to not get Jimin out, as he was the prime suspect and if he got out, Jungkook would be targeted right afterwards. However, in this helpless situation, we can only play along and grab Jimin to get his bracelet. I stay back, aware that if I grab too rough, the Army's might attack me online, in the case that the episode is aired. Jimin rolls his bracelet higher up his arm, but Yoongi attacks by pulling it off directly.

Shit, Jimin is out. In the case that Jimin was a spy, the PD would tell us one spy is out. But, the PD doesn't say anything, so everyone looks around suspiciously. The only person that is angry and talking is Jimin. Yoongi tries apologizing, but Jimin looks as if he could shoot lazers up Yoongi's throat.

Desperate to split up, I say, "Maybe we should split up?" The remaining members, Tae, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, and (my partner-in-crime) Jungkook nod.

I'm walking casually around the museum, no thought of getting cards, when I hear someone scampering towards me. I spot Tae, just as I turn around, he grabs my wrist, my bracelet dangling very visibly.

"Shit!" I scream, tugging away. Tae, determination in his eyes, begins to grab my bracelet further down my arm. I can only scream helplessly, as Tae has superior strength and can lift me up with one arm.

So this is how this bitch dies, huh? Doesn't rip off no bracelets, and Jungkook is left helpless, to defend from all his hyungs? What should I do? Fuck.

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