Chapter Twelve

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"Queen Titania and I have marked Amalie. I was wondering whether you would like to mark Amalie as well."

"I could. What has you so worried about this rogue?"

"There are a couple of problems. Amalie was attacked by the rogue almost two weeks ago. At the time, the rogue bit her and discovered that her blood is full of magic. The good part is that I don't think he is aware of the reason why her blood is so rich. He just thinks that she is a particularly tasty morsel. He is willing to do absolutely anything to taste her blood again."

"Amalie is this vampire's crack cocaine."

"Exactly, and he is ready for his next fix. The other problem is that the rogue faction is very unorganized and amateurish." He explained how Amalie's presence could help the rogues organize themselves, give them someone to focus on. "Because they have vampire magic in their blood, they've decided that they're better than humans and that they should rule the world. They're willing to get what they want by instilling fear and hatred."

"They want to come out of the shadows."

"Yes, but they want to do so in a way that jeopardizes others. They don't want to work together with humans – they want to rule humans, to treat them as a subservient species."

"Maybe they have it right", said Terry. "Humans don't have as many powers as shifters do. They don't have magic in their blood. Perhaps they should be ruled by those who have more power than them."

"I don't ever want to hear you say something like that again, Terry", said Mack. "Yes, humans don't have magic in their veins. They don't shift when the moon is full or when they're upset. But the method that these vampires are choosing to integrate themselves into the mainstream isn't one based on equality. It's based on racism and prejudice, and it will only cause hatred and resentment to occur. It will backfire on them. Humans will band together against the common enemy, and that enemy will be seen as Otherworldies in general, not those specific vampires." He blew out a heavy breath. "What can we do to help?"

"Currently, the vampires are unorganized and lack focus. It's a group of angry misfits who have decided to take over the world, but they have no especial power or skills. If they capture Amalie and turn her into a blood whore, they will drain Amalie of her power and will develop special skills of their own. If that happens, there will be no stopping them. Amalie is the prize in this war, and whomever controls the prize will win the war. I have had premonitions about it, and a seer told me her vision about it a while back."

"You make it sound like Amalie doesn't have any thoughts or feelings of her own."

"She does, but the rogues will treat her as an object, one that is necessary for them to control. And they will try to control her. The good part is that they do not yet know of Amalie's powers. They haven't yet realized how important she is to this war."

"How do you feel about things, Amalie?" asked Mack.

"I'm feeling a little more confident that I can look after myself now that I am learning magic, but I certainly hope that our way of life isn't based on my ability to perform it. I'm not very good at it and there's so much for me to learn."

"Amalie had some magic before we met with Queen Titania, but she was unaware of it. Any magic she utilized was unconscious and unprovoked. Now that she has met Queen Titania, her powers are augmented. She's now as powerful a fairy as any. She's worthy of her royal blood."

"Royal blood?"

"Queen Titania is Amalie's grandmother."

Mack nodded. "You come from good stock", he said to her. "You have royalty on your mother's side, and alpha blood on your father's." He thought for a moment. "Would you like to know how to shift?"

Myrddin's Magic - Book One of the Magic TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now