*~* Moonset (The Pack) (Snippet) *~*

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(Alright, it is completely coincidental that we've got two Rob and Preston ones in a row, okay? I've actually been working on this one for a while, and the ideas of this chapter aren't even the main idea of the story! Just a small part of it. Please keep that in mind.)

(That being said, hey Iamanewbiewriter13 I heard you love some great friendships-)

(Also oh my god I didn't mean for this to be 2000 words-)

(Important note!!!! This takes place in the present and is IRL. The Pack are still the Youtubers we know and love. There's just some... Fantasy elements.)

Rob struggled uselessly against the hooded figure restraining him, trying to unsuccessfully worm his way out of his iron grip.

Preston was a few meters away from him, too struggling against a similarly hooded figure, a look of fury on his face as he tried to pull himself free.

They were completely surrounded by several more of the black-clad figures, all of them peering at them from under their hoods with unseen faces, hiding among the trees like shadows.

They were in the woods, with the night sky glittering above them, the moon's pale light flittering between the leaves of the trees reaching high above their heads.

Rob and Preston had run into the forest in an attempt to lure the hooded figures away from the others... As far as Rob knew, it was him they were after, not the rest of his friends. He had tried to make Preston run with them, but he had refused to leave Rob behind. They others had wanted to stay too, but Rob convinced them to leave and get help for Lachlan, who had gotten a nasty wound from one of the figures' blades (he could still see them, hilted at their sides).

Now it was just him and Preston who had gotten caught. Well, at least it was better than all of us. Rob thought to himself.

One of the hooded figures, who Rob assumed was their leader, based on the jeweled necklaces adorning their neck and the longer sword at their waist, walked up to him and his captor. Rob couldn't see most of his face, but he did see the sadistic, wide grin on his face.

"It would seem that we've finally caught you." He said in a grating voice, one that sent a shiver down Rob's spine. "You have no idea how long my master has been searching for you."

The man whipped out a hand faster than Rob could react, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him closer, close enough that Rob could see the manic eyes underneath the man's hood.

"Now all I have to do is take you to him, and my mission will be complete. Now," The man turned his head to Preston, who had yet to give up on trying to escape. "I'm afraid I will have to deal with your... friends... Now that they've seen us. They can't be allowed to roam free. No witnesses. Well, no living ones, at least."

"You bastard...!" Rob growled, just as Preston was heard as well.

"Don't you dare go near them!" Preston roared, his voice furious as he quickly whipped his head back, hitting his captor square in the nose with the back of his head.

His captor reared back, but before Preston had the chance to move, another hooded figure emerged from the shadows, whipping out his blade and driving the blunt of its hilt into Preston's gut. The brunette let out a breathless gasp, wheezing as he fell to his knees. The figure grabbed Preston by the hair, forcing his head up as he held his blade to his neck, ready to strike at the leader's command.


"Preston!" Rob cried out, his eyes wide with fear. He looked up to the man above him, who made a 'tsk' of distain at Preston's efforts. "Please, take me, do whatever the hell you want, but let him and my other friends go! They didn't do anything wrong!"

The leader now laughed at him, before pulling his own blade out, posing to knock Rob out with the hilt of it. "There's no escape for any of you now."

The leader made his way to swing, just as Rob heard a suprised shout from behind him, and the two turned their heads to see that the figure restrainging Preston had now jumped away from him, their blade hitting the floor as they scrambled away from him.

"What in the world?!" The leader hissed furiously, as Rob looked on with a suprised expression.

What seemed to be white flames were sprouting from Preston's chest as the brunette drew in ragged breaths, the light of the fire flickering in his eyes as he glared at the leader with a look of rage painted on his face.

"Get away from him-" Preston growled weakly, making his way to stand, only to let out a pained yell, falling back to his knees, falling forward with his hands on the ground in front of him. The white flames were beginning to spread to the rest of Preston's body, his shoulders hunched together as he clawed at the grass in front of him, his eyes screwed shut as another roar tore itself from his throat. But it wasn't out of pain.

It was out of rage.

"Preston!" Rob desperately called out, watching as the flames engulfed his friend completely, leaving only a vauge silhouette visible beneath the fire. "Preston!"

Rob was about to call out again before he noticed that the silhouette had begun to change shape within the flames, the fire growing in size as the body within it grew in size, becoming unrecognizable under the fire as it continued to grow.

The leader had now let go of Rob, backing away from the white flames with a look of terror on his face, and as Rob scrambled to his feet, he began to back away too, looking on with a look of disbelief on his face as the flames and the silhouette underneath grew to be taller than the trees around them, towering way over their heads.

It was then that a pair of black wings shot out of the white flames, sending fire into the air as they let out a single flap, shaking the leaves of the trees around them. The rest of the flames began to dissipate from the silhouette, and the creature fully emerged.

The dragon let out a thundering roar as it's long neck stretched toward the sky, it's jet black scales gleaming under the moon's ghostly light.

The dragon had a pair of long, silver horns that curved slightly downward, followed by curved black spines running down it's neck down to its lengthy tail. Its eyes were a glowing red color, and Rob shivered at the almost human-like expression of rage and fury on the creature's face.

Except it's not a creature. Rob thought, the realization making his eyes go wide as he took a sharp inhale of breath. That... That's Preston.

The dragon- Preston, let out another roar as he swung his head down to where Rob and the hooded figures were, and his fang-filled mouth opened as white flames shot out of his mouth. Rob, as did the others, dodged out of the way as the fire took down a slew of trees, leaving scorched forestry in it's wake.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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He be friecken excited like a kid xD

5y ago

No probs fam 😉👌

5y ago

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