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As the sun's  golden  rays set foot in the room through the door,  slowly we opened our eyes after the heavenly sleep. Uncanny symbols on the mystic walls caught the attention of our eyes once more.Stangely enough the breakfast too was kept ready on the table with the same aroma,which we could not get over. We devoured the food, relishing every morsel of it.The room looked the same ,everything looked quite, calm and peaceful as it had been the day before, until Sara broke it.

"See Chris I told you there's nothing called as a ghost in this world.Its the morning of 12th and we are all still alive without even a scar."

"Exactly Sara. Be brave and courageous not  a weakling, Chris.Awwwwww !!!! insect................,someone save me"said the lionhearted Joe, flying from one corner of the room to another .

"Is this somebody's house; because there were six beds, and the dinner was prepared and kept ready on the table last night??"asked Angel curiously.

"And today's breakfast too.But if it is, why didn't the owners turn up last night or where have they disappeared  so early today morning."said Joe .

"Maybe they did see us, and decided not to come in."said I following.

"Maybe they are upto something.But what??"said Chris nervously.

"I think we should explore the forest. "said a more practical Vitoria."We should leave before the owners come again.Because we are not really sure of their intentions.It would be better if we find a different camping site.Lets go back to the highway where the chauffer had dropped us yesterday."

And so all of us agreeing to the proposal set out in the  forest once again..


"We have been walking for an hour and still we cannot the highway leading to the town.Isn't that weird?" Joe remarked.

"Don't worry we will find them soon;just relax, you people.See there"said Sara ,pointing to a few hundred metres away"the green line of forest comes to an end there.I can see the open sky."

"Undoubtedly I will be the first one to reach there.Wanna race guys???"I said, sprinting, with Joe and Chris following.


Just we reached the edge,what we saw was neither a feast to our eyes nor did act as a soothing balm for our tired legs.To our utmost disbelief, there was neither a highway nor a signboard to show us our way.As we rubbed our eyes and pinched wrist in horror, we saw a staircase, a staircase like we had never seen before. Made of pure black marble,thousands of steps ,each a metre high, descended down from it.At a great depth down below it,we saw a large number tiny white ants floating all around .

"But ants do not float,do they?"exclaimed a logical Joe.

Only when we made use of our binoculars did we realise these ants were not ants at all, but clouds,great white clouds.And they appeared so tiny beacuse they were at a monstrous depth below us. Running midway between the stairs was a slide, a perfectly smooth slide, covered on the outside,20 metres wide, cut into the shape of a hollow cyclinder, with only pitch darkness to be seen inside. It,too made of black marble disappered below the clouds just like the stairs.

But our worries did not come to standstill or behave like a constant. They had become directly proportional to every bit of second passing by.To add to our terror, as we glanced behind we realised that the forest we were standing on just at the very moment, was disappearing slowly into darkness.

A massive black hole was sucking everything in its way- plants,leaves,twigs,fruits,flowers,grass,insects,birds and small animals sparing not even the dust atomies. It approached rapidly towards us.Even the strongest of the giant oak trees covering the forest, looked like mere bits of pebbles, foolishly trying  to block its way as it grew bigger and huger.

"Where on the earth have you guys brought me?How the hell did we reach here?I want to go back home now.What shall we do now and how?"a series of emotions burst out from Chris as cold blood was running down his veins.

"Calm down Chris.We all have come here together, and only together  can we  find a solution to this peril.We all need to think about it calmly"spoke out Angel wisely.

But this time it was not any wisdom from Angel's side,she was deep frozen on the ground unable to make any type of locomotion as she gazed in horror at the black hole.

"Yes Chris,we can do nothing about it ,unless we do something about it.But we can do nothing about it ,it seems.We don't have any plan, neither  do we have any time to make any"said I most uneasily, blabbering out whatever was coming into my mouth. 

I just wanted to speak even if it made no sense because it appeared that it would be the last time I could speak.

"Do hell with you guys.Do hell with any got damn plan.Do hell with everybody.The simple fact is that,its that .......WE ARE GOING TO DIE"shouted Joe at the top of his voice,not because of extreme anger but in extreme terror as he kicked a stone with all his might and sent it flying all the way down.

But in the act of kicking the stone he stumbled and fell.He fell into the  hollow slide, disappearing into darknesss, taking not  even a milli second.

"Jump,everybody jump!We have no time to reason out"Sara cried out as she threw herself into the hollow slide, the black hole just a few metres away.

We could already feel the gravitational pull.We needed to escape the balck hole, somehow, to survive.And in a lose-lose situation, we  jumped, as fast we our muscular strength could permit us, into the hole,into the darkness, shouting and screaming.Down we went, for hours and hours,maybe days,we could keep no track of time,losing all our courage,strength and senses,as our hope of seeing the daylight again was lost in some distant land.


This chapter is dedicated to @akemikudo.Read and vote for her book School of Crime,its getting even more and more interesting and exciting, as the updates come. 

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