11:11 Interlude

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I tried to be in your life,
You knew all along I was willing to sacrifice,
& you proceeded to believe all of those lies from your girlfriend's grapevines,
When the sun would rise,
I'd be the first amongst your line,
With a Goodmorning & a few words that I just wanted to get off my mind,
About you,
You were raised right,
Too right,
You no longer get surprised,
Expectin the best & nothin less in despise,
I tried,
Girl I tried,
With you,
Then you tried to cut all of our ties,
Separating people who I genuinely like,
You're not just another aspiration to me you're a prize,
Get it from the real source,
But that was your choice,
When it was your fault I knew you would avoid,
That one night you said "call me"
When I heard your voice,
I didn't sleep for the night,
I thought that wouldn't be the last time we'd tap lines,
March with the madness,
After the 30th I put away the black jacket,
When I sent a message it started feeling like I was sendin a kite,
April came around with the 3 dots when you type,
It's okay, it's alright,
Because when it's 11:11 we're just what I'm wishing for tonight,

11:11 InterludeWhere stories live. Discover now