0 | Prologue

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A castle somewhere in Italy, 1023 AD

Quite footsteps echoed off of the stone walls. The quick and unending rhythm created a haunting song. Their owner, a woman in a white nightgown, had both anger and serenity etched onto her face.

Although the shadow against her face caused by the torch held in her left hand made her look rather terrifying. Her destination was definite, as she picked up her pace. The long halls of the castle did prolong her walk, but she was determined.

Arriving at a pair of humongous wooden doors, she halted.

Whatever or whoever that was behind the doors should be quaking in fear for her once balanced composure turned deadly. Raising her unoccupied hand, she turned the knob of the heavy door. It remained strong and closed.

"Aperi ianuam."

Almost immediately, the doors slammed open. Inside, the whole room was consumed by darkness. But the woman managed to locate her target.

A small hunch at the corner of the room, concealed by a bed, let out a breath loud enough to be heard. Following it was a muffled sound so quiet, any human could never hope to hear.

She moved fast and was instantly in front of the subject. It was an old man.

He was holding a small girl, no older than 6, in a choke hold as the last mean of defence against her. Seeing this, the woman burned with fury. How dare he touched her daughter?

"Cornelius, unhand her at once or suffer the consequences," she spoke slowly and threateningly.

He didn't respond verbally, rather tightening his grip on the girl that she gasped for breaths.

"You actions are futile. Either way, I shall get what I want and your body will be eaten by dogs, forgotten for all eternity." Still, he said nothing. This time shaking his head like a madman.

A defeated sigh escaped her lips as she realised she had no other choice. "Very well, Cornelius. I'll do as you wish."

"No! No! You-you can't just, just say that! No!" His voice was rough and dry as if he hadn't spoken in years. When in fact, it had only been a few months.

"What else can I do? You're holding my daughter hostage!"

"I-i I need it. It was the only way. There was no other way. Forgive me! Forgive me!"

"And what is it that you need, my dear Cornelius?" Now she was taunting him. She knew exactly what he needed. Something only she may give.


His answer was filled with absolute conviction. "Oh sweet, sweet death. I need it, My Lady. Please! I beg of you! Grant me this and I shall let little Amara go."

She saw desperation and determination brew behind his eyes. He had become more confident.

"You have my word. Now release my Amara."

Cornelius slowly let go of the breathless girl. She immediately ran to her mother who had opened her arms readily. Amara sobbed into her mother's gown.

"Fulfil your word, My Lady. Send me to heaven," he demanded.

The woman smiled, a small cruel smile.
"Foolish man. What made you think I will ever bow to your wishes?"

"No! You-you promised. You promised." Tears were falling down his tired, worn out face. "Please! I beg you, please! Kill me!"

"You committed a treason, you laid a hand on my daughter, you threatened me. And yet you dare ask for forgiveness?" The woman started to walk away with Amara.

"You gave me your word! You promised me!" Cornelius was now in hysterics. He started to rake his nails down his face, drawing blood, in hopes of relieving his needs.

"You mistake me for my husband," she whispered mockingly.

Before fully leaving the room, she muttered softly, "nervis constituent lustrantes, nervis constituent lustrantes, nervis constituent lustrantes."

She then closed the doors and left.

His screams can be heard along the halls as she and Amara walked back to their quarters. The little girl displayed no sign of trepidation. She just held onto her mother's hand tightly and occasionally looked up her face. Every single time met with a smile.

When they arrived at Amara's room, her mother, Aurora, tucked her in and blow out the candles.

"Goodnight, darling."

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