CH. 5
The following morning, Sage woke up groggy. She didn't sleep well for all that happened last night kept her awake; along with having so many questions provoke her mind. She slowly made her way downstairs not caring she was still in her clothes from yesterday, a light gray shirt and jean shorts. She slowly walked to the kitchen yawning while she took a seat. Beatrice was there making eggs and bacon and gave Sage a warm smile.
"Morning Sage would you like some breakfast?" she asked turning back to the stove.
"Yes please, is Maggie up?" Sage said around another yawn
Beatrice laughed softly, "Yes, she just went to get ready to go out, I'm taking her to get some accessories, while you and the men have ah your chat"
Sage frowned, "Of course" she muttered
"Good morning you two." they turned to see Marcus leaning against the door frame in a nice shirt and jeans
"Morning" Beatrice chimed, Sage just nodded.
"Well here you go Sage," Beatrice sit a plate with egg and bacon on it in front of her, "Marcus Hun, yours and Alex's is in the pan when you'll ready to eat, I'm going to go get Maggie and we're be out" she walked over to Marcus gave him a quick kiss then walked up the stairs.
Marcus walked over to the stove taking a plate from the counter and put an egg and two pieces of bacon on to it before turning around and walked to the table quietly sitting down. Sage stared at her food while eating not knowing what to say. They stayed silent the entire time and when they were both done, Marcus silently took her and his plate putting them in the sink.
"So would you meet me in my office, I'm going to go and wake Alex" he said already walking toward the stairs
"Yeah" she replied softly. She got up and walked across the front entrance and through the rarely used living room to the door that was Marcus's office. The door was open so she walked in. It was a bigger office than she would have expected bookshelves along the back wall, and the opposite wall was window, Marcus's desk was in the middle of the wall where the windows were, with a leather desk chair behind it, and two brown leather chairs in front. Not knowing if she was aloud to sit or not she stood there feeling worried but anxious.
A few minutes later, Marcus walked in and sat in the desk chair. "Please have a seat" gesturing to one of the brown leather chairs. She sat playing with her fingernails as she did so. Alex came and sat in the other one.
"Ok,” Marcus was trying to think of how to start, so Sage took the opportunity to help by asking a question.
"How? How are you two werewolves?" she asked still looking down at her hands
Marcus sighed, thankful to have a way to get started, "Well, as you know from last night, it only runs in the males, but we truly don't know how, all we know is that my blood line started turning into wolves centuries ago."
"Does...How does Beatrice come into this?" Sage knew it was a question that hardly made sense but hopefully they would know what she means
"Oh, well she just fell in love with one," he laughed softly, "She took it pretty well just like you"
She nodded, "How does one carry a pup?" she blushed embarrassed to have asked that.
Alex was trying to muffle a laugh but he couldn't soon Marcus followed, causing Sage to blush even more. "Um...Sage we are people somewhat, so everything in that area is the same and when Alex was in Beatrice's womb he was in human form,"
She looked up, "Oh"
"You don't fully turn into one until you are ten" Alex explained farther
"So do you come out at the full moon?" she asked

The Redeemed ones
WerewolfSage Barnes was sold for money, now she lives in Courtsville a small and different type of town. Sold to the richest family in town she meets the cute and scruffy Alex...being chased by a big over sized wolf, what will become of her future.