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Written by qilinnn


Jimin is impatient and Yoongi is a massive tease...

Work text

It wasn’t Jimins fault he was horny. Blame his tease of a boyfriend who had been sticking his tongue out and shifting his ass ever so slightly in his chair all morning in a way that couldn’t possibly be allowed. He was sure it was all on purpose… Every move made by the elder was extremely innocent but so suggestive at the same time. So when he’d just about had enough of this torture, Jimin decided to do something about it. Sliding closer to his hyung, he sneakily put his arm around Suga’s waist. Then, it started creeping down. It only took one look to tell what the needier out of the two wanted. Then, yoongi brought his chapped lips upon jimins soft ones. His arm slid around jimins waist and he let out a small moan. His hand came up to cup the younger’s face as their mouths continued to move together, teeth occasionally clashing but it didn’t matter in that moment. “You’ve been driving me crazy all morning, you know that hyung?” Jimin managed to gasp out accusingly between long drawn out kisses. All he got as a response was yoongi’s tongue flicking out to trace the seam of their kiss, asking for entrance. Something jimin was glad to give. With one swift movent their tongues were fighting for dominance and tracing eachothers already well explored mouths. Yoongi’s thumbs left his face and came down to trace circles on the other’s sharp hip bones. Yoongi murmered soothingly in jimins ear. “You wanna do this right now?” He carried on kissing, but he had slowed down, almost as if he didnt want to carry on. “Yes! Please hyung,’” he whined, impatient by this time. “Sure?” Yoongi asked teasingly, biting down gently on jimin’s ear lobe. “Well…” He replied, teasing the younger further. “If youre that sure…” Jimin felt cold hands wandering underneath his shirt and tracing his famous chocolate abs. He groaned and pulled the barrier that was his shirt over his head, discarding it somewhere across the room and attaching his lips to yoongi’s neck. He sucked. Not harshly but enough to leave a mark. A beautiful red mark on his pretty white skin. He knew the makeup noonas would complain the next day, having to apply a thicker layer of foundation than normal, but for now he wanted to show that yoongi belonged to him with the contrasting blooms of burst blood vessels. Jimin bit his lip, struggling to hold in the moan that was threatening to escape his lips. Thinking it was unfair that he was the only one without his shirt, Jimin removed the offending object from Yoongi and gave a descending whistle spat the now visible sight before him. What amused him more though was how the elder reacted to his stares. The once confident Min Suga he knew was now flushed bright red underneath him. It was almost funny. Yoongi crossed his arms over his chest and brought his gaze to the studio floor. Jimin observed what was visible of the gorgeous, lightly toned torso and slumped shoulders before him. “Aw, don’t be afraid baby - what happened to my fearless suga?” He cooed in a slightly mocking tone with his bottom lip stuck out. The older boy was clearly not impressed, growling and reaching out to pinch at the other’s nipple. He twisted the nub between his fingers in revenge, making jimin intake a sharp breath. Yoongi drew his tongue over an expanse of throat whilst continuing to busy his hands, feeling all the tiny noises of reaction as vibrations on his mouth. “Would you rather I be a bit more like this?” He said in response to jimins teasing. He hands now bolder than ever, reaching to explore every bit of the yongests perfect body. “Mmmm…much better…” He sighed, only to let out a small gasp as a pair of hands intruded south. “So eager so soon are we?” he spoke into the soft skin of a contrastingly sharp jawline where he was trailing kisses and jimin whined in reply. He pulled jimin up from the sofa on which they were currently situated and pushed him down into one of the chairs in the studio forcefully and straddled him, mouth still connected to his flushed skin. He pushed their now swollen and scarlet lips back together and wasted no time in shoving in his tongue, not caring if it seemed needy. He explored jimins mouth eagerly, wallowing in his taste and perfect way of kissing whilst he traced a finger up and down the boy’s still, to his disappointment, clothed thighs, getting higher up each time but darting back down before anything could happen. Yoongi then dared to grind into jimin, hearing a noise of shock then pleasure merged together. He could feel just how riled up jimin had gotten as he rolled his hips upwards to meet the younger’s who was now doing the same. The sounds he’d managed to get from the boy were delicious and he wanted to hear just how much he could increase their amplitude. He moved his fingers up past their usual path and to the waistband of jimins jeans and flitted in and out casually, met with whimpers along the way. “Can I?” Yoongi asked, looking up at the face scrunched up with pleasure, his eyes hooded with lust at this point and a little impatient. His answer was frantic nodding and a stuttering “p-please hyung.” As soon as he got confirmations, he slipped his hand into jimins shorts and began palming him roughly through his boxers. “Mmm…hyung…more.” Jimin bucked up into his hand desperate to get more friction. “Patience brat…” And with that he smirked, and pulled down the item of clothing that was restricting him access. Grinning again, Yoongi slid down the chair to kneel on the floor, his arms separating the youngers legs just enough to gain access. “Mmm…” The eldest said whilst provocatively licking his lips. “I can’t wait to taste you my Jiminie,” He was teasing him now, seeing how long it took until it Jimin would start to beg. “Please hyung…j…just hurry up already…” By the sound of his increasingly needier whimpers, Yoongi finally gave in. With one swift movement his tongue was running down the length of Jimin’s cock, tracing the thick vein in the underside all the way to the top. “Ahhh…f fuck hyung!” His cries were responded too when yoongi engulfed his whole length at once, the tip hitting the back of his throat. It was a good thing he had virtually no gag reflex otherwise he’d probably be choking by now. Jimin felt week with pleasure. “You looks so good like this hyung - so pretty. You’re such a cockslut.” With that single word Yoongi gasped and moaned at the same time, sending vibrations and enormous pleasure straight to Jimins lower abdomen. He started teasing again, swirling his tongue around the head only to go down roughly on him again, hollowing his cheeks, sucking hard. It was all too much for the younger to handle. The pleasure, too great. “Suga hyung!” Gasping and panting, his words barely coming out. His face was screwed up, with the amount of pleasure he was receiving. “I’m…I’m gunna…” And immediately yoongi pulled off, looking straight up at Jimin. If anything, the bright red, swollen lips and pretty face of his hyung, was turning him on even more, sliding off with a lewd popping noise and sitting back on his heels. A whine followed the movements as well as a smirk and light chuckle. “What, didn’t think I’d let you have all the fun did you?” He said, teasing tones prominent in his now slightly rough voice and lips slick with spit. The younger pouted, clearly more than little frustrated. He watched in agony as yoongi shimmied out of his shorts and underwear, revealing his obvious arousal. His eyes widened when he saw yoongi take a small bottle out from his pocket. “Since when did you carry lube everywhere hyung?!” Jimin asked in disbelief, confused by the elders motives. “You never know when Namjoon’s gonna get his head stuck in a door or something,” he defended. All he received in return was an unconvinced snort (because really, who buys strawberry lube?). Yoongi drizzled the bottle’s contents into his hand, warming it up with friction. Then, he gently pushed a finger inside of himself, closely followed by another. He groaned and curved the digits, desperate to find the place inside that would give him the pleasure he so desperately needed. As his fingers continued to pump in and out, he added a third, scissoring them and opening himself up. All the meanwhile, jimin watched, mouth slightly open and becoming more aroused by the minute at the sight in front of him. As yoongi prepared himself, he saw jimins hand wander down to his thighs but quickly slapped it away. “Ah ah. You can’t touch yourself yet baby. That’s hyungs job.” “Then let me help you! Please!” Whimpered the younger boy, impatience growing by the second and desperate to have some kind of stimulation. Yoongi continued to push himself down onto his fingers, all the while keeping eye contact and releasing a small moan every now and then, sometimes just to tease. When he saw the desperation in the singers eyes and deemed himself ready, he straightened himself up and turned away from jimin, standing a little infront of him. After slicking it up with more lube (not without enjoying the little noises of anticipation) he aligned his entrance with jimins throbbing member and slowly sank down onto his aching cock. They let out a synchronised groan as yoongi got used to the sensation of being filled up. Jimin was definitely much bigger than his fingers and the stretch was like a vaguely uncomfortable burning but he couldn’t deny how good it felt. It’d been too long since he’d done this. After a few minutes, yoongi looked over his shoulder to signal that he was ok. He pulled up off of jimins dick and immediately slammed back down until his ass was flush with jimins hips. The boy behind him cried out in pleasure at the sudden friction. Once again, yoongi pulled up until he was nearly all the way off and then pushed back down forcefully, eliciting more moans from the both of them. Jimin rolled up his hips to meet him half way, and thrusting upwards into the tight heat. Yoongi exhaled loudly. “F-faster!” The younger complied easily and started a rhythm of pushing his hips upwards as the older came downwards. Being a dancer had never been so beneficial. Jimin tilted his hips upwards slightly and heard yoongi practically cry out so loudly, the other side of the country could’ve heard. Knowing he’d found his prostate, jimin angled his hips again and continued to pound into the bundle of nerves over and over, not missing once. “Harder, jimin, p-please!” He suddenly pulled yoongi off, much to the rapper’s displeasure but quickly spun him round and rammed back into him again. “I wanted to see your pretty face when you cum,” he explained between pants. Their lips rejoined and became one big mess of vibrations as they both let pleasure take over. Determined he wouldn’t cum first, yoongi tensed his muscles and squeezed around jimin mercilessly. The younger accepted the challenge and, at the new angle, was able to hit yoongi straight on. Jimin snaked a hand between them and pumped yoongi’s weeping cock, heavy between his legs. His wrist flicked on the upstroke, encouraging the moans he received with praise. He lent his head to the side and whispered “Cum for me baby.” That was all it took to push yoongi over the edge and have him seeing stars - cumming in thick spurts on jimins chest, stomach and hand. Jimin came quickly inside yoongi after hearing the gorgeously sinful noises escape yoongis throat and milked out their orgasms with a few more sloppy thrusts. He pulled out and allowed yoongi to collapse on top of him, both trying to regain breath desperately. After they’d slowly regained their breathing to a normal pace, jimin laughed, eyes crinkling into crescents as his mouth upturned. “Have fun hyung?” He asked cockily, grin ever present in his face. “Yah! I was meant to finish a beat by this afternoon but because of your horny ass I’m not gonna meet that deadline am I?” Jimin pouted, blinked several times then stole a kiss on yoongis forehead, where his pale green fringe was plastered down with sweat. “But you love me for it.” “Brat,” growled yoongi but he pulled their sweaty bodies closer together none the less. “Hey hyung we were meant to leave for dance practice like five minu-” jungkook stopped dead in his tracks after he’d opened the door. His eyes quickly surveyed the scene. Guilty looks smiled up at him from across the room. His brain clicked back into focus from its previous state of shock and he made a swift 180 and back out of the door hand over his eyes. “Hyuuuuung! My innocence is ruined! How could you?” Came an echoing shout from the hallway where jungkook had sharply made his exit. Yoongi tutted and rolled his eyes before yelling back “When have you ever had innocence? I’ve seen your browsing history!” Jimin was struggling to muffle a laugh with his hand as he got up to look for his discarded clothes. Yoongi sat there for a moment or two longer in a dazed, reminiscent state. “What I saw on that desktop was enough to scar even the likes of me for life,” he mumbled more to himself than anyone else. “The boy has the oddest porn choices but who am I to judge.” “Seriously hyung?!?” Jimin had his fingers clasped over his mouth, biting down as he tried not make too much noise. “I don’t believe it, not for a second!” The younger just laughed and shook his head in disbelief. “Oh you should - I never thought a person such as Jungkook-ah could be into that stuff…” Jimin stifled more giggles to the best of his ability but let out a snort every now and then. “Actually, screw that…I never even knew half the creepy shit existed!” “If you think his choices are weird compared to you, I can’t even begin to imagine…” Jimin said between hiccups. “But seriously though…” Yoongi began to speak again. “Do you think we should warn Taehyung that our sweet innocent Kookie is into daddy kink collar bondage and kitty role play?”

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