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!¡Clarification: Anything that is in bold will be Lillian's thoughts.!¡
Lillian's POV
After Kathleen and I ran out of the shop, we met back up with the guys and got ready to board the plane. We agreed to act like nothing happened because I didn't want them to start worrying about me.
"Group 1, going to LA, please board the plane now, Group 1." The flight officer announced.
"That's us guys. Are you all ready to go destroy some crackheads?" I said, earning some laughs.
"Yes Lillian. We are ready to go destroy some peasants." Elliott replied.
~3rd person POV~
"That's my line motherfucker!" Lillian shouted, " I'm gonna fucking copyright the words 'peasant', 'crackhead', and 'fuck-tard'."
"Okay then Lillian. You do that. But for now, get your ass on the plane." Cray said, coming up behind her and patting her head.
"Yeah yeah, whatever." Lillian muttered, boarding the plane.
She walked to her seat as the others walked to theirs. She had bought her ticket separate from the others so she was on a different part of the plane. She put her carry on in the overhead bin and sat down in her seat next to the window. The flight attendant came by and asked her if she needed anything before the plane was to take off. Lillian shook her head and opened her phone as the flight attendant walked away. She then grabbed her headphones out of her personal bag and plugged them in, opening YouTube. She clicked on the button that read "Library" and then started playing her playlist labeled "Favorites."
As per usual the first song that came on was Monster by Imagine Dragons. Because there was nothing else to do on the flight, Lillian started thinking about everything that was happening to her and more.
"Ever since I could remember,
Everything inside of me,
Just wanted to fit in,
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh"
'Why couldn't I have just been normal? Why couldn't I not be noticed'
"I was never one for pretenders,
Everything inside of me,
Just wouldn't settle in.
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh."
'I never liked those fake, Barbie dolls. Have I been the fake all along?'
"If I told you what I was,
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seemed dangerous,
Would you be scared?"
'Is that why everyone avoided me? Is that why nobody liked to be in my presence? They were scared?'
"I get the feeling just because,
Everything I touch isn't dark enough,
If this problem lies in me."
'Is that what happens? Do I make things darker? Is it really just my problem?'
"A monster, a monster,
I've turned into a monster.
A monster, a monster,
And it keeps getting stronger."
'No! Fuck that! I may be a monster to other people but the ones I really care about love me for who I am. My darkness has been getting stronger over the years but so have I. I can control it.'
She finished the song and the next song that came on was Revolution by The Score.
"All my wolves begin to howl
Wake me up, the time is now
Oh-oh, can you hear the drumming?
Oh-oh, there's a revolution coming

Wide awake
The fever burns
Sweat it out
Bring my turn

Can you hear the drumming?
There's a revolution coming

All this doubt
Is creeping in
Inside out
Shed my skin

Can you hear the drumming?
There's a revolution coming

Been waiting all my life
To live when I've only been dreaming
Give love when I've only been stealing

Killing time
Keep passing me by
Run down what I've always been chasing
Block out everything I've been facing, facing

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