Chapter Nineteen

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On Wednesday it rained, so we all decided to have a movie day which resulted in arguments over what to watch and what kind of pizza to order. We are teenagers. We like our take out.

It was good to spend time with everyone, our little group with the addition of Dylan, Mitch and Sally meant that Elle wasn’t left out being the only girl and I got to spend more time with Dylan. Despite the heating being fixed, Dylan still slept in my bed and we managed to keep our hands off each other.

The make out session with Dylan on the bed was something that I didn’t know how to feel about. Of starters, it’s the first time I’ve ever been turned on my guy and that was something that scared me a little. Dylan and I’s relationship has been going very slow, probably for my benefit, but now that I’ve admitted to Sam- and myself- that I am totally gay for Dylan I guess we are on the verge of becoming official.

The whole guy on guy stuff did freak me out, but it’s more the fear of the unknown than the fear of doing something like that with Dylan. I trust him.

On Thursday the rain stopped but it was still miserable outside. Mitch and Sally, and Elle and Matt decided to do a double date thing and headed out for lunch, leaving Sam, Dylan, Cam and I at the cabin. We did what you’d expect; we played video games.

We were all laughing when Cam got ate by a zombie for the eleventh time when Dylan’s phone rang.

“Unknown number,” he muttered as he stood and went over to the kitchen to answer it.

“For fuck sake are you kidding me!” exclaimed Cam as he was ate by a zombie for the twelfth time.

“You’re too slow,” stated Sam as he shot the zombie that just ate Cam.

I went to the kitchen to get another can of juice. Dylan was leaning over the breakfast bar, listening to whoever was on the phone.

“Why should I care? He can fuck right off if he thinks I’m going to come running back to him whenever he fucking asks. That’s what you’re there for, remember?”

Whoa. Pissed off Dylan was someone I did not want to be faced with. He looked at me as I passed him while heading to the fridge. He was frowning and holding the phone in a white-knuckled grip. He stood up and began to pace, occasionally running his hand through his hair.

“No Cally. I’m not coming. I won’t, so just leave it like that.” He hung up.

Dylan stood there with both his hands through his hair, staring at the ceiling.

“Shit,” he muttered before wiping his hands over his face. I was away to speak, but then Dylan just stormed out the back door, slamming it behind him.

Sam walked in to see me staring at the door, the can of juice half raised towards my mouth.

“Go after him,” said Sam softly. I looked at him and decided he was right. I pulled on my jacket and headed out the door to go look for Dylan.


I followed the trail around the lake after Dylan, following his footsteps in the mud. I’d never seen him so worked up before, so pissed, and I was quite worried about that. It must be something big if it’s managed to piss Dylan off.

After about twenty minutes I found Dylan. We were near the shore of the lake, standing near the tree line. Dylan was stood leaning against a tree looking out over the lake. In his haste to get out the door he didn’t grab a jacked, and was wearing only a long sleeved navy blue t shirt and black jeans. His hair was all over the place from God knows how many times he has ran his hands through it and he still had that angry frown on his face. He looked like the stereotypical bad boy that girls drooled over. I managed to withhold the drool though.

I went an stood near him, a few feet back and not directly in front of him. Angry Dylan I had not yet experienced, but I guess I was away to.

“You okay?”

He clearly isn’t okay, Alec.

“That was Cally,” he said, still looking out over the lake. “She’s Jayme’s girlfriend.”

Oh shit. I waited for him to continue.

“Well, I guess I should say ex girlfriend. He was drunk and decided to break up with her, afterwards he drove away. He crashed his car and is in the hospital.”

I watched quietly as he clenched his fists that were down by his side. I could tell he was trying to stay calm, that he was struggling to stay calm. I went and stood in front of him and placed both of my hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eye.

“You can tell me.  Just let it out,” I said as softly as I could. I kept eye contact and waited for him to continue.

“He fine, there’s nothing wrong with him. But Cally phoned me because he asked her to. He wanted me to come see him, so he could say that he was sorry.”

My grip tightened on his shoulders. Dylan’s eyes began to fill with tears and for the first time ever I felt that protective instinct kick in. I hate Jayme. I hated him for what he did to Dylan,  how vulnerable he made him. Standing here with Dylan, I saw that now. Dylan was vulnerable. He hid it so well, but trying to act like everything is fine only works for so long until you breakdown, and I was afraid Dylan was at breaking point.

He placed his hand on my arms and gripped them tight.

“I don’t care about him, I really don’t anymore. But what pisses me off is that he still expects me too. The bastard left me heartbroken and he knew that, and after all this time he still expects me to be hung up over him, to not have moved on.

“Well screw him, cause for the first time since he fucked me over I’m happy, and no way I’m I going to drop everything and go see him. I’m not going to let fuck up whatever I’ve got with you. I don’t want that, and I’d never do that to you.”

I gently took his face between my hands and rested my forehead against his, staring into his tear-filled eyes.

“Hey, I know that. You’re not him, and he doesn’t deserve you. He’s not going to fuck things up between us, I won’t let him.”

“I’ve got you and-“he started, but stopped when the tears broke free and  poured down his face. I reached out and wiped them away with my hand.

“You’ve got me,” I finished for him. “You’ve got me if you want me, I’m not going anywhere.”

Despite everything he smiled. My tear-stained Dylan smiled and I’ve never thought of someone as beautifully fragile, but that’s what he was. My beautifully fragile-hearted boy.

“I want you,” he replied softly. “You’ll have to chase me away if you ever want me gone.”

I pulled him into a hug; his face in the crook of my neck, his arms around my waist. I smoothed back his hair.

“Never,” I whispered. 

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