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Glynn's POV
"We've been here two weeks and we've seen absolutely no sight of her. I'm starting to doubt if this princess exists." My childhood best friend Alex grumbled. "It's utterly ridiculous! They are the ones who proposed this treaty in the first place." He paced the room in frustration.

Alex was the best friend I could ask for, even if he got annoyed easily. We've known each other our whole lives, and I always brought him to escort me on trips.

"I'm sorry sir, but it's a very complicated situation. We'll explain it to you as soon as we can." The Queen's advisor awkwardly stumbled. Alex finally sat down and let out an exasperated sigh. The advisor stood there quietly, not sure if he should leave or nor. Finally I decided to say something.

"Tell Her Majesty that we have been very patient so far, but if she does not show us the princess tomorrow we will be leaving and the treaty will be off." I said firmly

The advisor nodded and left in a hurry, probably in order to inform the Queen.

"Was that your effort to get out of this arranged marriage?" Alex said with a smirk. He knew how much I hated the idea of this marriage.

"Maybe I'm hoping she won't show up, just a little bit." Alex chuckled

"I don't blame you, this whole thing is a sham."

"Yes, but I promised my father I would follow through on this."

"I really don't see how he could ask you to do this, even if it's for the good of the kingdom." I sighed at Alex's remark. I've explained the situation to him multiple times. Our kingdom, Dragaria, is a country that has been in and out of wars for centuries. My Father used to be known as the bloodhound of the east, but he's changed recently. In the last war we had my mother was killed. Since then my father has sworn off war. Tensions have been high with Aquaria for the pass few years, so when the Queen asked for a treaty my father gladly accepted. My marriage was the best way to seal that treaty.

"I don't want to have this conversation again. There's nothing we can do about it now." I said

Alex threw up his hand in submission while saying "Alright fine, I won't bring it up again." He stood up and looked out the window. "It's getting late, I should probably head to my room. Goodnight your Majesty."

Alex exited the room with a playful grin.

I flopped back on my bed and sighed. I really wasn't a fan of this situation. And what was with this Princess? She seemed to not to care about this treaty at all. I suspected that she was just another boring debutant, with her mind only filled with shoes and dances. I groaned with the thought of spending my life surrounded by talk of the "latest fashions". She also seemed to have no consideration for others, even a royal prince.

After lying there for some time I came to the conclusion that I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep. I decided to go on a walk. The garden was beautiful but I was walking too fast to really appreciate it. Finally I stopped at a fountain at the center of the garden.

The fountain reminded me of a fountain back home. It was in my mother's garden. She used to take us back there to tell us fairy tails and make wishes. She would have loved this one. Things would have been different is she was here. I would have to deal with yet another stuck up princess who thinks she's God's gift to the world. I was so sick of these princesses.

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"Always the same." I heard myself mumble

Crunch. Suddenly I hear someone moving behind me.

"Who's there?" I asked. There was no reply. I quickly turned around but nobody was there. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a bush rustling.

"A bush? That's your hiding spot?" I though to myself. I lightened my footsteps so whoever was hiding wouldn't hear. One I got close enough I yanked them out of the bush.

"Found you!?" I shouted. They twisted their arm out of my hand and kicked my legs, making me fall. I slammed on my back but didn't lose my focus. I side swiped with my legs that they fell and quickly pinned the failing arms down.

"Who are you!" I shouted. But instead of finding a gruesome assassin I found a woman. She was beautiful. Her eyes were crystal blue and looked as if they could read one's soul. Her skin glowed in the moonlight, making her look like a mythical creature. Her soft golden hair, and challenging expression enchanted me. I had never seen someone quite like her. "Interesting" I accidentally said out loud.

Her eyes widened as she scanned my face. She looked just as surprised as I did.

"If all my assassins were this pretty I wouldn't mind having my life threatened." I said playfully. She rolled her eyes and retorted,

"I'm not an assassin."

"How do I know you're not just saying that?" She glanced down at her clothes and said,

"If I was an assassin do you really think I would be wearing this?" I looked down to find a skimpy white night gown that barely covered her. I tried not to stare to long.

"Fair enough." I stood up and so did she. She scooted back a little to create space, she seemed incredibly uncomfortable by my nearness.  "What is a lady doing out here at this time of night?"

"I could ask you the same thing." She replied coolly. I smiled, she was very snarky.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Me too." I scanned her trying to figure her out, but I was coming up without answers.

"Who are you exactly?" I asked. She seemed perplexed by my question. After a slight pause she replied.

"A guest. What about you?" I chuckled, she wasn't going to give me any clear answers so neither would I.

"I guess you can say the same thing about me." We both stood up, "Do you make a habit of tackling handsome men in the middle of the night?"

"Only when they grab my arm." I laughed: she was flustered.

"Hey, you're the one who jumped in the bush. Not the best idea for a hiding place. Well anyway, I should probably go and get my beauty sleep. I doubt I'll see you again after tomorrow event, which is quite a shame." Yes, tomorrow I would be heading home or officially engaged the the brat of a princess. I was relatively certain I would never see this blue eyed beauty. She was intriguing. I wish I could find out her story.

Suddenly I was shook from my thoughts and said,

"Good luck with falling asleep, blue eyes. I suggest going back inside before catching a cold. I doubt that skimpy little nightgown provides much warmth." She looked down and suddenly realized what she was wearing. She turned red to the roots of her hair. Now she was VERY flustered and unbelievably cute.


The next day Alex and I were waiting in the library,

"It's practically noon! What is so important that the Queen still can't see us? I'm not sure if Her Majesty is trying to prevent a war or start one!" Alex shouted. I glanced at the clock,

"We'll wait one hour. After that I'm going to see her majesty with or without an escort."

We watched as time slowly passed by until it an hour had passed. Once the close struck 1:00 I stormed towards the throne room. This whole situation was ridiculous! Being dragged here by my father to meet a queen with no ounce of decency or respect for my kingdom. And this talk of marrying a princess who has disappeared with the excuse of "being detained" was a joke to me. Who ever she was, she was not worth all of this trouble.

Finally we arrived at the throne room. Guarding the door was a scrawny escort who looked extremely out of place.

"Move." I said coldly. He looked incredibly conflicted and replied,

"S-sire, I'm u-u-under strict orders not to l-let anyone in."

"Move before I put my entire army on you" he looked back at the door before quickly moving. I pushed open the doors and shouted,

"Your majesty, I have no desire to be rude, but I have been here for weeks with no sight of her! If I don't meet her soon then I will be leaving." At I walked into the throne room I saw the queen move away from a girl before replying,

"Your in luck, Prince Glynn, she's here now." Ah so this is the princess.

The young girl whipped around, and I was startled to find the same pair of blue eyes I had met last night. Her face was one of pure shock. I laughed when I thought of her words from last night. Hmph, guest indeed, what a liar. Suddenly her eyes trailed to my shirt, and her face turned beet red. I wonder what she could be thinking of.  I smiled at her and said,

"So, we meet again blue eyes." She shot a glare at me before turning to the queen and squealing, 

"Who the hell is this person!?" I laughed. And suddenly all of my doubts about this marriage and everything else started to drift away. This was a pleasant surprise, and I was excited to see what would happen next. I gently took her and and kissed it before saying.

"I'm your fiancé, princess."

She looked like she wanted to murder me. 

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⏰ Última actualización: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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