Chapter 5: The Panic

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*P.S this story is not meant to offend anyone, it's all for entertainment purposes, simply Fiction*


   I just got done having a panic attack, that was fun *sarcasm*. I stopped by the mall today and I got hungry so I went to the family restroom and started feeding until someone started banging on the door and almost opened it but I managed to ran to it and hold it shut.

   I told them to hold on a second and pretended to wash my hands, as I walked out they looked at me weird. So now they think I'm crazy and have stomach problems. Just great.

   Currently, I'm in the car attempting to drive home without having another one. They could have seen if I didn't get to the door fast enough. They have thought I was a monster. The woman's little boy would've thought I was a monster. I am not the type to thrive on people to believe I am evil, because I'm not. I want to help others out and be kind to others, not be evil spirited and tortured them or worst, kill them.

*A Few Minutes Later*

   A low, dark growl left my mouth as a smirk appeared across my lips. My stomach growled furiously in hunger . "Sir, are you alright", the slightly chubby man hesitated but inched closer. He had been walking out of the club as I had pulled over on the side of an alley and I could tell he was tipsy, I chuckled and said in a low tone, "Yeah.. in a few minutes I will be" "What?"

   I snatched him into the dark corner swiftly and covered his mouth. "If you scream I will kill you, got it?" He nodded quickly, staying quiet but still breathing heavily. "I'm going to make this quick, ok". Without letting him respond, I tilt his head to the side and let my sharpened canines press against his neck.

   I heard him gasp and I halted.  What have I done. I looked down and noticed that there was a small scratch on his neck from grazing my teeth there. I pushed down on a sensitive spot on the temples to make him forget what happened and I drove home. It only works with us vampires so don't go trying to push on people's heads just because you did or said something stupid.

   I made it to my house, eyes filled with tears. I almost killed someone. That was never my intention to harm someone, it just happened. I felt another panic attack coming on so I called the only person I knew could help me.



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