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The first thing Remy wanted to do when she woke up was throw up. Her head was spinning crazily and she saw bursts of color behind her eyelids. But then she heard extremely familiar voices speaking a familiar foreign language, and her eyes shot open, her nausea forgotten. She tried to sit up all the way but was stopped by a painful tugging on her stomach when she sat completely upright. And then she saw possibly the seven most beautiful people in the world staring at her with wide eyes.

"Hi?" Seokjin said.

"Holy shit," she said. Then she realized what the hell she had just said, and wanted to slap a hand over her mouth. But that didn't work, because, as she quickly found out, her hands were literally tied behind her back. "Uh. Hi."

All seven boys of BTS were looking at her, alarm evident on their faces. Obviously, they were as surprised to see her as she was to see them.

Also, damn, her ribcage hurt.

The boys were all still in their concert outfits. Black sequins and gemstone earrings glittered every time one of them shifted. Which happened a lot, because it seemed they were in the back of a moving vehicle. The only light source was a small flashlight that Taehyung was using his right foot to kick into the middle of the somewhat disorganized circle. Remy wondered why it was taking her so long to figure these things out. Why was her head so fuzzy?

"괜찮아?" Jeongguk said cautiously, his voice breaking a somewhat awkward silence.

Remy shook her head. "Sorry."

He swallowed and licked his lips nervously. "Are you okay?"

She had been kidnapped, she was tied up in the back of a truck being taken God knows where in a city that she didn't know, she didn't have her phone, and she didn't have her medication. But she wasn't dead, and she was somehow with BTS. Maybe this was all just some sort of fevered dream. So, she nodded.

"My name's Jin," Seokjin said.

Remy nodded. "I know," she said, the twisted her body so the lanyard from the concert fell to the front.

A few of the boys groaned quietly. "Dammit," Namjoon said. "I was hoping that you weren't from the concert."

"I'm sorry to disappoint." She said it automatically, her usual sarcasm being as plain to her as English. But it held none of the bite or silver-tongue of her usual tone, it just came out flat. "Shit. Sorry."

"It's okay," Taehyung said. "What's your name?"

It seemed that the famous Kim Taehyung was as sweet in real life as he seemed onscreen. That was a good start. Remy coughed into her arm as best she could, but it was more in the general direction of her elbow. "I'm Remington."

A few of them mouthed the name silently as if they were testing the foreign name.

"It's nice to meet you, Remington," Hoseok said politely. "We're sorry we got you into this."

For some reason, those words sent a bolt of clarity and courage through Remy. They were apologizing for something that was most certainly not their fault. And what was Remy doing to help fix the problem? She was sitting there thinking about how her chest hurt. Hell no, this is not how things were going to go down. She shifted her body so that she could feel the bonds holding her hands behind her back. Focus, she told herself. Stop freaking out and fucking focus.

"You don't need to apologize," she said. Taking a deep breath, she reached her fingertips to the knot behind her back. For a second, she thought she felt a cold winter breeze on her skin, but she shook her head and closed her eyes, focusing more. She knew this type of knot. Apparently, their kidnappers didn't know much about rope tying, because it was a very simplistic one. And, one that she knew how to get out of.

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