Me and half of my group were already here in the museum hiding. It was easy to break in since we went inside from their basement. I was in my agent suit and my hair is in a ponytail style and i got some mask to hide my identity.
'Roger, one crown is spotted'
'What crown is it?'
'The crown for the queen'
'Where's the crown for the King?'
'It's still not spotted Eunwoo.'
"Boys keep it down" i whispered to my phone. "We don't wanna alarm the guards."
I sneaked around the museum only to see some olf stuffs and paintings on the wall. I keep on searching till I heard a crash from somewhere.
'Who are they?!'
'Get those guys!'
I did my best to go to where rhe ruckus were. I peeked in a small hole from the ceeling and guys in black shooting people inside the museum. I grabbed my gun and waited for their leader to come out. Then i spotted 6 guys in white tuxedos with guns in their hands. Still no sign of Jungkook.
"What do we do now?"
"Get those expensive paintings. We still don't know where Jungkook went."
I spotted Jungkook walking to them. Damn he's hot. Too bad he's one of the bad guys.
"Jungkook, we been looking everywhere for you."
"Just checkin on some stuffs"
I prepared my gun and pointed it to Jungkook. I couldn't help it, he needs to die!
"Y/N stick to the plan." Eunwoo said from the other line. I groaned in annoyance and walked away. I grabbed my device that is able to find the things i say.
'Tech2D is waiting...'
It showed on the screen.
"I'm looking for the two crowns inside this musem."
'Device spotted. Go right path then take a round turn and go straight to the way and enter a room. That is where the crown is.'
I fixed my mask and ran to where my device said the crown was. While running, some guards were still there so I had to freeze them with my freeze gun. No one seemed to follow me around so it was pretty easy. Then i spotted the door.
It was a gigantic door and had gold designs all over it. It shone so bright and when I was about to open it, i spotted a robot about to shoot me a laser.
"Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" It said and kept on shooting me.
"Shut up!" I said and fought back. The robot was high tech and it can fight back, even with a human. I tried to shoot it but it always dodge. It kicked me as I fell into the ground, my head bumped onto the hard ground and the robot was about to stab me with an axe. Luckily I avoided it and stood up.
"You may be a robot, but i'm a human and I got skills." I stated and grabbed the two guns in pocket and shot the robot. It was wounded but it kept fighting. I kicked it each second and for the last move, i punched it's face causing it to fall on the ground and for my hand to bleed since the robot was hard metal.
I sighed in relief and tried to open the door.
'Code Needed'
I grabbed another one of my device that woul help me hack the code of this door.
"Give me the code to this door."
It scanned and waiting for a split second.
I entered the code and the door opened. I walked inside the room and saw the crown of the Queen. It was in a glass box and it looked so beautiful. I walked slowly to it still mesmerize by it's beauty. It had beautiful gems on it and I stared at it with admiration. I spotted a what seems to be a note that has a connection with this crown infront of me.
'This crown belongs to a true love of two lovers and will never be in the hands of other people. Because their love will be the solution to all problems.'
I smiled and took off the glass box, it was so shiny. Right when my hand touched the crown and hold it in the air.
"Finally." I stated.
Then an arrow from the wall was about to shoot me till a man covered me from getting hit.
I saw that the guy grabbed the arrow by his hand without even a sweat. Right that moment i thought I was gonna die, but this guy saved me.
"T-thank you sir. F-for saving my life." I said and grabbed the man's hands. He was wearing a mask and had a black suit on.
"No worries Miss Y/N. I just believe that you might me missing something."
He stepper back and removed his mask.
"You?!" I screamed in terror and he just smirked.
"It really feels good being thanked by someone from a high mafia group." He said and fixed his suit.
"And i believe you missed this?"
He showed me the crown of the King while I was holding the Crown of the Queen.
"I-I should have that!" I shouted and he laughed.
"But I was here first Miss Y/N."
I started to run to him and he ran as fast as lightning.
"Give it Jeon Jungkook!"
"You gotta chase me first darling." He said and run around the museum. Urgh that guy.
I was sweating so hard and i received message from my phone from Eunwoo.
-where are you?
-did you get the crown?
I put it back on my pocket and walked away leaving to where that Jungkook was. I don't care if he has the crown of the king, atleast I have the crown of the queen.
I spotted everyone waiting for me at the museum door.
"Where have you been?!" Eunwoo shouted
"Zip it! Let's leave!"
We ran and entered our car and I spotted Jungkook on the museum door giving me a smirk. I rolled my eyes and drove off.
Urghhh he ruined everything!
But i forgot...
He saved my life...

Forbidden : Mafia Jungkook X Mafia Reader
Fanfiction" You are not allowed to be with those brats! They are our enemies!" Those were the words that was kept in my mind for many years. I was just a simple Mafia assistant leader till one day, we were against them. I saw him. "You are indeed a strong wo...