Every day we are faced with challenges, whether they be new or repeated.
Just remember that even they're repeated and you've dealt with a similar problem before, it doesn't make it any easier.Sure, you may have the most minimalistic idea of how to calculate a solution to the problem, but these problems that we go through in everyday life are just
like the last question on the math tests at my school.Always guess and check, at first if you don't succeed, try try again. But Mrs. Teacher what if I don't want to try again. What if I just want to give up. What if I don't want to continue solving the problem on my math test.
What if I don't want to look at the results either, I already know for a fact I did terribly. As I said my math tests are just like life, what if I just want to give up? I don't want to think about the end result because I was always told not to worry about the future anyway so why start now?
No. You need to stop thinking like that. Anyone know who told you to live in the present, they're wrong, completely wrong. You need to start living in the past, present, and future.
Think about past decisions, they influence your present, and you need to think about present decisions because they influence your future. They might even influence other people's future as well. Think about that. Stop being so selfish.

Stupid Poems From a Smart Girl
PoetryHonestly, everyone's views differ, if this isn't your type of thing, please don't read it. Most of these were written a long time ago on a google doc that I created during school hours because I was bored. Some of these were 3:00 AM thoughts. A lot...