in which Jeongguk has to work with a fellow dancer who's guts he just happens to hate.
"I just don't like your damn attitude, Taehyung." he tried to stay unbothered, not making eye contact as the older one pinned him to the ground. "You do, Jeon? Yo...
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IZ*ONE (아이즈완) - HEART*IZ Highlight
❚❚ ►_____________________________ 3:54↺
Jeongguk sat on his bed, controller sitting tightly in his hands as he was trying to concentrate on the screen in front of him, the thought of having to leave for work slipping into the back of his head for a moment.
He precisely pressed each button, watching his favorite little pink character called Kirby fly across the stage, continuously throwing his opponents of the edge while Coconut soundly napped on his lap, purring.
(a/n; if yall don't know super smash bros. just tell me, imma educate ya uncultured babies)
He was trying his best to get his mind off the read world but with Coconut in his lap and the thoughts of yesterday running through his mind it was -- difficult you could call it.
He had to admit to himself that he could not stop thinking about that moment when he actually felt like Taehyung, a guy he fucking despises, was going to kiss him for no reason and he wouldn't have done a thing to stop him.
Luckily Nayoo saved him from anything happening with a simple call, Gguk yanking out of Taehyung's hold and telling her what just went down.
To Jeongguk's surprise his best friend didn't seem fazed at all, just slightly teasing him about it, leaving Gguk's blush painted on his face for another hour as he was reminded about the situation again and again.
It all confused him, why would he have allowed that to happen eventhough he is sure he dislikes Taehyung? Well, he doesn't dislike the way he looks, he looks fucking stunning but he still can't agree with his personality. And he never will -- of course.
He shook his head, blinking once, noticing he was thrown off the stage in a moment of sudden deep thought, sighing as he turned his TV off, laying the controller down beside him.
Looking down at his lap, he saw Coconut playing with the strings of his hoodie, catching and chewing on them occasionally, making him coo at his little princess.
He sighed, knowing he had to leave for work soon, later than usual actually since there were some changes in shifts, which meant he probably had to encounter Taehyung, an uncomfortable feeling rising in his stomach at the thought of it.
He carefully shoved Coconut off his lap and onto the couch, trying his best to ignore the persistent meows for attention while changing out of his nightwear and into an appropriate outfit for training.
After swiftly snatching an apple and his keys from the kitchen, he gave Coconut a goodbye pat as usual and went outside, enjoying a fresh breeze of spring air and first rays of sunshine hit his body.
He wasn't sure what to expect today. How was he going to be able to concentrate properly with everything that happened yesterday still hovering around in his mind, how was he even going to talk to Taehyung without making things super uncomfortable?
He knew the older one would probably even make fun of him for it, like he does for fucking everything.
Gguk felt his stomach clench as he approached the dance studio, nevertheless somehow making his way inside, greeting fellow dance trainers as he was strolling through the hall, walking to where he would teach his first class today.
He walked up to the door, just planning to wait outside since he knew there was still a class going at the time, placing himself right infront of the glass door.
He dared a look inside the room, seeing Taehyung -- but not the familiar red hair decorating his head but a bright aqua shade shining in the bright light of the studio.
His heart started pumping faster than he was used to, looking the older one up and down as he was busy teaching the advanced course.
Taehyung was wearing grey sweats along with a simple white t-shirt, his newly dyed hair standing out perfectly in the dull environment of the room surrounding him.
He guessed they were doing one final run down of the choreography when Jeongguk suddenly noticed Taehyung's glare attached to him through the massive mirrors.
Gguk heard the music boom through the glass door infront of him, seeing Taehyung starting to dance, students following his every move.
His stare still glued securely to Taehyung's precise dancing, shirt lifting up once in a while, leaving a familiar blush streaked across Jeongguk's face, noticing the older one's lips curl up into a smirk for a slight moment.
He noted the choreography being very fast pace but Taehyung still managed to execute each move perfectly like no other. Students, eventhough they were an advanced class, not being able to one hundred percent keep up with the pace and accuracy of each distinct move.
The music came to an end, Taehyung turning around and bowing to his breathless students gulping down massive water bottles.
And somehow Jeongguk's body started moving on his own besides his brain telling him not to, opening the glass door and stepping into the practice room already, everyone looking at him as he went up to the front, settling himself down wordlessly close to Taehyung.
"Hi, Jeon. Your next class here?" He heard Taehyung's deep slightly exhausted voice ring through the whole room only filled wih heavy breathing, blush intensifying.
"Yeah." Gguk managed to push out somehow without sounding too flustered, keeping himself together for now.
"Alright guys, get going now. See y'all this Thursday." Taehyung bowed to them once again, every a little confusedly gathering their things quickly before strolling out the door, Taehyung getting up to gather the empty water bottles sprawled out across the floor.
Jeongguk was equally confused. Normally Taehyung always pushed till the very end with the lessons, really never ending one earlier than he was suppose to, often even pushing the time limit, leaving Gguk and his class standing outside countless times waiting to use the room.
Jeongguk looked around, still a group of young girls, about eighteen to twenty years old, standing off to a corner, pushing one of them in Taehyung's direction, whispering little encouragements to her under their breath.
Gguk leaned back ready to observe the situation as he knew exactly what those girls where up to as he experienced it himself mulitple times now.
He saw the girl slowly but confidently approach Taehyung who was still busy collecting the seemingly thousands of water bottles of the floor -- well this is what they get for providing free water.