Chapter 43: A Swollen Head

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It seems all I do is get Axel ready for school, clean, cook, clean again, get him off the bus, eat, clean, get him ready for bed, then get myself ready. I've been laying in this bed for hours, fighting insomnia. Jason told me not to wait up, but he's my cure. My cure for no sleep, heartbreak, loneliness, he is my medicine. Sadly I can't go a day without taking him in some way. Some are large doses, others are fragile, but every bit helps.

The front door shuts and I know he's here. Keys are thrown on the kitchen table. I spring up from the bed and race to him. As soon as I see him, he looks defeated. Twelve in the morning, basketball shorts and a muscle tank top, my baby's hair is a mess.

I just stare at him. His shoulders hang and his face drops, looking at the counter. I run over to him and jump in his arms. Wrapping my arms around his neck latching my legs around his waist, he doesn't reciprocate.

Instead, we fall to the ground, landing on me. "Jason!", I whisper yell. "You were supposed to catch me and put me on the counter, then kiss me roughly." I look into his eyes, dilated. He shoves his head into my cleavage, and begins to snore. I smack him on the side of the face, lightly. "Get off of me.", I whine.

"You're tits make amazing pillows." Barf. God his breath smells like a bar and an ashtray.

"Where were you Jason?" He lifts his head, but becomes too tired, letting it fall on my chest again.

"I've been here, there, everywhere. God did I ever tell you how incredibly sexy you are? Like, so fucking hot I can't even compare you to anything, because everything I attempt to compare you to, will never add up. Let me fuck you baby."

I roll over, and Jason's head falls on the floor. Smack. He moans, putting a hand to his head. "You can fuck yourself. Why would you drink and drive?"

"That's no fun. I'd rather have you to fuck. Besides, I'm a good drunk driver." I shove him, pissed off.

"You could've killed someone Jason! Or yourself! What were you thinking?" This morning could've been my last time seeing him. The thought brings tears to my eyes.

He puts a hand over my mouth. "Shut this mouth, unless it's moving around my cock." I slap his hand away, frustrated.

"You're so disgusting. To think I was excited to see you. Instead of going to the damn bar, you could've been here. Axel told me he has something he needs to tell you. Didn't matter how hard I tried, he wouldn't tell me."

I stand up and walk outside. He follows right behind me.

We're not arguing with my son in the house. He needs his sleep, and this is immature and ridiculous. The wind is freezing, and I'm only in a t shirt and leggings. I cross my arms over my chest, rubbing them so the goosebumps cease.

Jason stumbles to get closer to me. Once he does, he pulls me close and wraps me tight against him. His chin sits on top of my head, arms around my neck, enveloped in a hug. "I'm sorry babe. I just had a really shitty day."

I clutch onto his tank top. Looking up at his neck, where I kiss him. "Tell me about your day please."

"Coach was busting my balls all fucking day. My head wasn't in it, so I didn't do well at all." Shit. This is all my fault. If I hadn't just abruptly left, he wouldn't have been so distant at practice.

"I'm sorry I caused all of your troubles..." It's time to come clean about where I was. "I met Jacob at a café and told him about Chenelle and Chad."

An oh shit look is on Jason's face and I don't blame him. I won't be surprised if Chenelle shows up here and tries to murder me. "How'd he take the news?"

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