I'll let you know when to play the song above, if you're interested.
Connor is mad at me for not telling him about the situation that happened with some old classmate of his back in high school. Apparently Dean went up to him and started talking to him about me and brought up the situation. Ella told me he got into a fight and that's why they left early.
I'm glad that Grayson and I didn't go because we would've ran into the scumbag again, but Connor ran into him and now he's pissed about it.
No ones home besides us, which is odd. We usually have someone over. Ella is usually over but she's busy with school today. Allison is with family still, her family came in to visit. Ethan and Grayson are busy I think.
"Con." I said as I walked in and peeped my head into his room, he's playing on his xbox.
"What." He said dryly, his attention is glued on his game, he's playing fortnite."Can we talk?" I asked as I lean against the door frame, I watch him ignore me. He isn't purposely ignoring me, he's just too focus on the game.
"After this game, Ethan and I are close to winning this match." He said as he aired me off.I roll my eyes and walk back to my room.
Play the song above now.
Once I get back to my room, I noticed someone was calling me, well on facetime.
"Hello?" I said as I accepted the call and had the camera facing the ceiling right away.
"Hi ceiling! How are you today?" He said sarcastically and I laughed softly. I begin plugging in my headphones."What do you want?" I asked as I stop laughing and got comfortable in bed.
"I want to see your face." He said as I see him getting comfortable in bed."No, I don't have makeup on and I look like shit." I complained.
"Oh shut up, I'm sure you don't." He said as he laughed at my comment.I roll my eyes, he doesn't know.
"Show your face and I'll stop bothering you." He said jokingly. I quickly show my face but then just my forehead and eyes. We both start laughing.
"I see how it is." He said in the midst of him laughing.His laugh is so cute. I love it.
"Anyway, whats up?" I asked as I'm just showing my forehead and eyes now.
"Come over." He whined and my eyes widen.There's no way I can go over.
"You know that's impossible." I said as I laughed softly. He smiled and laughed with me.
"Fine, lets go do something." He recommend as he thought to himself for a while.
"Like?" I asked knowing I still might not be able to go."Fuck!" I hear Ethan yell in the back.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Connor yelled.Grayson and I both started laughing as we both heard the two idiots getting upset over the game.
"I'll come over in a bit with Ethan, maybe he can distracted him or something." He said as he got up from his bed.
"Not a bad idea but will it work?" I asked as I snuggled into my covers and watched him.Gosh he's so cute.
"Yeah, it should. I don't see why not." He said as he set his phone down and he started looking for something to wear, I just watch him.
"Well I guess we'll see." I said."Olivia." I hear Connor call out and my eyes widen.
"I have to go, bye." I said quickly then hung up before Connor opened the door mid sentence.
"Who were you talking to?" Connor asked.
"Allison." I said as I put my phone on the side and sat up."How's the whole family thing going for her?" He asked as he sat in my desk chair.
"Ehh." I said as I shrugged my shoulders. I should probably really ask her about it."Anyway, I wanted to talk about the whole situation and stuff." I said trying to change the subject away from that because I don't want to talk about things I don't know anything about.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked right away.
"Because I knew you'd kick his ass and I didn't want a fight to go down. You know I hate them." I said. My parents use to fight all the time, verbally. We grew up with them arguing a lot and It just really scared me."I understand but he touched you Olivia, you know that's not okay. You know he deserves his ass kicked for it." He said as he's getting upset just thinking about it.
"Obviously but I freaked out okay? I was scared and I just wanted to get away from that." I said as I felt myself getting overwhelmed."Who helped you?" He asked.
"Ethan and Grayson." I said, hopefully that sits well."Why didn't they kick his ass?" Connor asked annoyed.
"Well Grayson was about to, but like I said I don't like fights so I called Ethan to help me get him away from there." I said getting annoyed with him wanting someone to kick the guys ass.Fighting doesn't do anything, it makes things worse. Connor knows this, I don't know why he's acting like he doesn't.
"Tell me next time okay?" He asked as he looked down at his phone.
"Okay." I lied.He's just brushing this off, I hate that but I don't want to deal with this anymore.
"Ethan and Grayson are coming over." He said as he locked his phone.
"Cool." I said playing it off."Are you hanging out with El today?" He asked.
"No she has school work to catch up with so I'll be annoying you three." I said as I got up from my bed with my blanket wrapped around me.He jokingly complained as we head back to his room.
When Ethan and Grayson came over it was pretty fun. I didn't really get to talk to Grayson a lot because I didn't want to show how close we've gotten. But to be fair, I did use this opportunity to my advantage, we might've not talk a lot but we did talk more than usual. Connor caught on but he wasn't too bothered by it. I'll be using this as an excuse to say that's how we got closer if I ever need an excuse.

FanfictionParties, Parties, Parties. That's all Grayson, Ethan, Connor, Olivia, Allison, and Ella live for. These friends plan to jump from party to party for years. They want to live their best life while they're young. They all made a pact to never date a...