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The next day

Billie's POV

I woke up to the sound of dogs barking. I reached for my phone to find about 50 missed calls and texts. I don't feel talking to people so I decided try and go back to sleep. It was only 9:30 and it's not like I have anything to do today. It's Sunday so my family won't be up yet. We always say in bed till 10 and then have breakfast together My mom is really persistent on the 'doing stuff as a family thing'. I lay in bed feeling like I'm forgetting something. It's Sunday the 3 of March. I'm announcing that 'I wish you were gay' comes out tomorrow. My team and I had planned to release a snippet on instagram at 8pm so I set an alarm on my phone for 7:55 so I was ready. Wow that means there's less then 4 weeks until I release my album. Then one month and we go on tour. I usually feel like I need a longer break but I'm excited to be away from everyone and have work to keep me busy.

It was now 10 and I could hear my family getting up. I hadn't eaten probably for the last few days so I got up and walked over to my clothes. I am in a dark mood so I dressed to mach it with my black oversized hoodie which I paired with some black shorts. The shorts were new and shorter then I expected so they only come down to my mid thigh. This meant that they were almost covered by the hoodie. I considered changing but I could smell food being cooked so I left them. It's only my family so it doesn't matter.

"Billie. I'm surprised to see you." Said Claudia. I put my hood up and ignored her. She came over with Finneas last night and they had spent the night trying to talk to me through a locked door. They had been here a lot for the past week. I'm guessing it was my parents doing. She walked to the table were everyone was sitting leaving me in the doorway. Everyone looked up as she said that. They all looked concerned but trying to hide it. I sat in the seat facing my brother and next to my mom. They all immediately looked away but still sat there in silence. Another 5 minutes past and still silent. "Umm... were releasing a new song tomorrow!" I Said trying to sound excited but came off as slightly awkward. Nobody looked at me or acknowledged that I spoke. Why are they ignoring me? "How has everyone been?" I asked. Still they looked down at there laps and ignored me. "Ok..." I Said sarcastically  not knowing what to say. I decided to let them sit there so I checked my messages. I had lots of missed calls from my friends and they had been texting me nonstop. I opened the group chat to see that the twins had told everyone about yesterday. I felt so angry. Why did they have to tell them? Now I have to tell them all. I went to text them back and saw that they had said

'your mom told us that you were upset so we had to tell her what happened.

Sorry bil.'

At least I know what's wrong with them. I guess my mom had told everyone else. What should I say. I really don't want to tell them about Lexie until I talk to her. I don't know what she feel comfortable telling my family. I trust them but she hasn't met them. I opened her messages to see a flow of apologetic texts. She thought that I'm mad at her. I shouldn't have ignored her. She said that she wanted to talk face to face. I need to fix this. Now.


This is all my fault I'm so sorry


Talk to me baby


I need to see you


I'm so sorry


Please can we meet up




Come over we need to talk 

Billie shared location


Thank you so much


I'm leaving now

My family were all eating but still not looking at me. This is horrible. I didn't know how they would react when they found out but they're not reacting. They're just ignoring me. I started eat the breakfast my mom had made joining them in eating in silence. After about 10 minutes we finished and cleaned away the plates. Everyone was sitting in the kitchen sill in an awkward silence when there was a knock on the front door. Everyone looked to the hall but no one moved. I jumped up from my seat and rushed to the door. I flung it open to reveal Lexie. She looked stunning in a plain black T-shirt dress and her hair in a messy bun. "You look cute." I Said grasping her hand a pulling her in. I shut the door and ran up the stairs. I quickly push her into my room and lock the door. "Hay!" She squealed as I did so. I laid down on my bed with my legs dangling of the side. She sat next to me and With a worried look. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know... I'm sorry." She said looking like she was about to cry. I sat up and turned to face her. "That's not what I wanted to talk about." I Said before pulling her in for a kiss. She looked at me waiting for me to continue. "I really like you Lexie and I was hoping that you would maybe want to be my girlfriend?" 

Soft  //Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now