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"Did you get a shot of it?" You asked Jungkook as you both stood at the back of the gymnasium.

The students wearing different jerseys as their uniform wander on the shiny floor of the gymnasium. The hall full of noise as the players talk to each other as they announce the champions each event. In the stage, groups of players are wearing their medals earned with hard work and a big smiled on their faces.

"Yeah." Jeon Jungkook said as he set his eyes directly on the stage, arms crossed and wearing a gray oversized shirt.

"The volleyball team did great." You commented.

Jeon Jungkook nodded and you saw a small smile on his lips, "They did."

Out of the two event that you were assigned, the volleyball team were the only one who got in the next season. And you're pretty sure the other team in other events got in too, but sadly the table tennis team didn't.

After they awarded everyone, Jungkook and you both decided to go back to your hotel rooms. You tap the card and the clicked open, you turn the doorknob and was about to go in.

"Y/n." You heard Jungkook and you quickly turn around to see him.

"Hmm?" Your brows raised with curiousity.

"Its our last night here, should we make the most of it?" Jungkook flashed that boyish smile.

You grinned back and nodded, "Yeah, I'll just pack my things." You said.

"I'll see you outside the hotel?"

You nodded, you saw how his smile grew. He turned around and opened the door of his room and got in. You inhaled and stuffed your cheeks with air as the excitement grew inside of you.

You happily pack your clothes back to your duffel bag. You were a white large sweater and a shorts, you put your hair in a tie and made sure to put some tint and blush to your face. You smiled on your reflection before heading down.

Your phone beeped when you stepped out of the elevator.

Jeon Jungkook:

Im in the seashore.

You put it back on your pocket and headed out, the cold wind seeps through your skin even though you're already wearing a sweater. You saw Jeon Jungkook wearing his gray shirt and a black pants with a rip on both knees.

You inhaled before you walk up to him, "They are already celebrating." You said that made him look at you.

"Let them. We're not players anyway." He said then he stare at the sea again.

"Why didn't you join the varsity? Im pretty sure you're good at sports." You said as you kick the sand, both hands on your back.

"I like photography more I guess. And Im pretty sure the athletics team did great even without me." He stated.

You nodded. The waves crashes, the sound so sudden and forceful, you watched the waves produce bubbles as it hit the shore only to go back to the sea again and vanish. Another wave hit again, the sound still sudden, even though it was so redundant and even though you knew it was coming again and again, the force of it never became familiar.

Some things were probably like that. Even when you experienced it many times, you'd still be surprise when you have it again. Like how a sudden rain touch our skin after a long sunny day, like how you'd still get surprised and hurt when you touch something hot even though you've already done it when you were young, or like how it feels to be around this boy even though the time you were with him cant be counted with fingers but you'd still feel the same.

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