Dinner was Perfect (Friendship for Dummies One-shot)

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Dinner was perfect.

I had spent weeks planning the meal, and hours making it. Just the mere scent of the chicken made my stomach growl in hunger.

The table was set beautifully with glistening white plates and silver cutlery. Candles flickering around the room gave off a glowing hue, dimming the lights and creating a romantic atmosphere.

To say I was proud of myself was a bit of an understatement.

Okay, I give; Nathan helped me set it up in Connor’s house. His mom was away, and we’d have the house all to ourselves. But seriously, I needed the help; this evening, our very first Valentine’s Day together, had to be perfect.

And it was. It really, truly was. All except for one tiny, minute, hardly relevant, little detail.

The empty chair in front of me.

I glanced down at my watch, frowning at the time it showed. 7:23. Connor should have been home at six thirty at the very latest. He couldn’t have forgotten it was Valentine’s Day, could he? He’d bought me roses just this morning! I looked back down at the time, 8:48. I couldn’t handle this, what if something had happened to Connor on his way home? I had to find out, the waiting and cluelessness was killing me.

And of course, I was hungry.

Pulling out my mobile, I dialled the familiar number. After the fifth dial tone, I didn’t expect an answer, but sure enough, another tone later, I was connected.

“Make it quick, please Georgie. You really know how to pick the best times.”

“I’m sorry Nathan, really, I am. But have you heard from Connor at all?”

There was a pause on the other line before Nathan answered, “Isn’t he with you?”

“Uh no…” This was a little distressing now. Nathan didn’t know, I didn’t know. Maybe I should be trying the police station next, or the emergency room.

“Is that Georgie?” I heard Ava’s muffled voice come from the phone, “Shouldn’t’ she be at the restaurant now?” More muffled noises, a squeal and a thud, “Just give me the phone Nathan. Don’t make me-“ And now giggling. Nathan, I tried to tell him telepathically, stop fooling around and just give Ava the damn phone.

“Georgie, where are you?” Perhaps I should be looking into a career in telepathy.

“At home in front of the perfect Valentine’s Day dinner Nathan and I set up. Where do you think I should be?” This was starting to become a little frustrating now. I had been stood up for nearly an hour, and now I was just about as confused as I was hungry.

“Nathan!” I had to pull the receiver away from my ear a little as Ava shouted to her boyfriend. “You were supposed to keep her occupied, not help her set up a dinner! She’s late now and Connor is going to murder us!”

“What do you mean?” I heard Nathan reply, “You told me to help Georgie get ready for her Valentine’s date with Connor… Oh…”

“Umm guys, I’m still here.” I said, figuring now would be as good a time to interrupt as I would get, “What’s going on?”

It was Ava that answered, “This really sucks Georgie, because it was supposed to be a surprise, but since Nathan totally blew it- “

“Hey! I forgot alright?”

Ava continued as if there had been no interruption, “I’m just going to have to tell you.” She fell silent.

“Okay…” I said, urging her to continue.

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