Suck At Flirting | The End & QNA

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My dearest,

You made it.

The end of Suck At Flirting.

And just like me,

I wish you a happy time flirting.

May my advice help you!



"How do I start flirting?"

By using the advice of this book, I want you to try to take it into the field.

First off, flirt with someone who you fancy and not with someone who you are not interested at all. Unless, you have someone in your life that is willing to be your flirt test subject..

You can start with a small tease to a joke to a pick-up line to eye contact to a compliment to even your dressing style to get the attention of the person you are trying to flirt with.

"I don't seem to get any flirtation back with anyone, online or offline."

Ask yourself, are you approachable to others?

People tend to flirt most likely when their friends, family, whoever they may be hanging out with, aren't around.

A guy, girl, won't be coming up to you or say what they really want to say, if you're always surrounded by other people.

It puts a lot of pressure, more than you realise.

Same thing counts to texting in groupchats, they might not react the same to you as in private messages until you two are at a certain point; most likely the stage of "Everyone may know you're mine now."

Okay, so you are approachable that way. Why aren't you still getting any action?( This part is only for offline flirting)

Appearance counts, how mean it sounds, looks still matters. 

It is the first thing we notice, next to their appearance, do they take their hygiene seriously?

You have to take care of yourself, not just for others but for yourself too.

Wash your hair. Brush your teeth. Shower in general.

Use a lovely scent. When people are around you, they enjoy breathing in and out next to you, because you smell good.

Wear different outfits, not always the some grey hoodie with those (yoga)pants. Use colours. Use a more approachable outfit.

Wear a smile, the best make-up you can get. People are attractive to people who tend to smile.

Confidence. That is the next best thing you should always be wearing.

Why? People are attractive to be who are confident. No, this doesn't mean by an asshole or anything. It means you are sure about yourself, about what you want and you're not afraid to show it.

"How do I flirt with someone online?"

Have you read my Don't Suck At Flirting advice?

Of course, you have. That advice is very applicable to online flirting.

Personally, whenever I think "Oh, shit," when I realise I might be liking someone.

Oh hey guys, if you're reading my book.

I'll pretend we don't know I helped you flirting with me or that I flirt in this way to you..

I start a conversation, not with those "Hi" texts. Be straight to the point; "Hey, I was wondering do you watch Game of Thrones?"

I try to find something we are both interested in because having mutual interests helps the interest in you as well as it helps you figuring out if they are just a flirt to you or more.

Next thing, compliment them.

Now don't compliment them unless you mean it.

Don't overdo it either. We love compliments but when it's too much? It may give the wrong vibe.

So, you're doing all that? Honey, congrats.. this is the beginning of flirting online!

"How do I know how they see me as?"

You will have to know first if they enjoy talking to you in general.

Does this person take their time to talk to you?

Are you always the one starting the conversation or do they approach you?

Do they actual reply like they care?

Do they let you know when they are busy when you're in a conversation already?

If they always seem busy only around you, it is most likely they are not that interested in you as you hoped them to be.

Alright, we know if they like talking to you. What's next?

How do they interact you?

This is the part where you might going to overthink every words they have said to you...

Analysing their behaviour towards you but also to others helps you see if they see you as a friend or more.

If they act the same to you as they are to everyone else, you are most likely just a friend, but it can always mean they are treating you this way to prevent the situation getting out of control. Yet, if they really like you, they will not just treat you as a friend.

If they flirt back to you the same as they are to everyone else, this is where it gets complicated..

From my experience, people who tend to flirt with everyone the same way like they do to you, are just a flirt or really out there trying to find the perfect one. They enjoy flirting, you can literally see them doing this to everyone else, but if it is more than flirting? That will always be hard to see and tell when they flirt with you like that.

"Can you give me extra advice and tips to flirt if I dm you or something?"

Yes and no.

Yes, I am always open for a chat and be some sort of life coach. If you have some questions, I most likely answer in the same week!

No, in some situations, you just have to do it on your own. At the end of the day, you are the one doing it!

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