Chapter 4: Ridge the Summoner

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Mira POV

I ran to the liquor crates for cover. Who are these people and what do they want?

"Have you found the girl?"  A deep voice asked.

"No. I have searched everywhere but she's nowhere to be seen." A high pitched one replied. They're here to kidnap a girl? Who could that be? Lucy? But she hasn't gone to a mission for months now so she wouldn't have made enemies along the way. Levy? Nah. She can't even hurt an ant. Erza? Well probably but knowing her? She would have beaten her enemies up before they even think of a plan to retaliate. Juvia? She's too absorbed loving Gray to even bother fighting with others.

'Unless she thinks it's her rival for Gray's heart.' Oh yeah right. I forgot about that. I guess they need a push from no other than the love guru of this guild: me. I was so absorbed with my plan on  shipping the Gruvia boat when I accidently bumped into one wine bottle causing it to crash on the floor.

"What's that?"

"I think we've found her. Go check the boxes around the corner."

'Oh no. They've found me.' As much as possible I don't want to confront them. It would only hurt the three of us. And I still don't know what they're capable of so this leaves me no other option. 'Transformation Magic: Cat'

I can hear their footsteps coming towards me. One on the left side and the other on my right.

One hand grabbed me from behind. I feigned injury to convince them that I'm just seeking refuge for the night.

"Gotcha!!! I got her - errr a cat?!! And it's injured. Aww such a pity. Can we keep it Vermont? Please? Please? Please?" I haven't seen this man before nor heard that name. His guild mark was unfamiliar too. Could it be that they seeking after the wrong girl? But my gut feel tells me there is something weird going on. I'll gonna stay with them to gather more information.

"Oh okay. But you're looking after it." This other man bears the same mark. I sense danger in him and a strong magical essence too. I should be more careful in handling them.

"Our boss would definitely get mad 'coz our plans didn't succeed." Plans? What plans are they talking about? Who's their boss?

These two went out of our guild. I think they're heading their way home. I could not let them go without the information I need. I jumped out the hands that carried me and run to the forest.

'The forest is clear of civilian at night so I won't worry about letting my powers loose if it boils down to it.'

"Oh wait! Don't run away from me."

"Ridge! Come back here! Tss. Always the one causing trouble." Th ey run after me. Everything is according to plan.

"Here kitty kitty kitty."

"Here kitty kitty kitty."

"Here kitty kitty kitty."

"Here kitty kitty kitty."

I purposely hid behind the bush and transformed back in human form.

"Huff. Ridge!! Do you huff huff know how tiring this huff huff is!? Come huff on huff and leave that huff huff stray cat."

"Okaaayy. Sigh. I really want to keep that cat."

As soon as they turn their backs, I immediately stood up and sat on the big log sitting in the middle of the meadow. Moon shines upon the entire forest making my silver hair glow with the moonlight. I cross my legs and smirk. 'Well here goes nothing.'

"Going somewhere boys?!!"

3rd Person POV

The two men stiffened at the sound of the girl's voice. They turned their backs only to be met by a piercing blue eyes boring onto their faces.

"It's her!!! She's the one we're after!" The man named Ridge whispered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. White haired girl with blue eyes." Ridge whispered back.

"What? That's the only description we have?!! It could be anyone for all we know!!"

"No. I'm sure it's her. The boss says we'll know that we got the right woman by her glare. It's as if we're facing a demon just by looking on her stare." They both shivered.

"You're right. She does have demon like eyes. Then what are we waiting for let's get her!!!" Vermont shouted.

"Summoning magic: Rock Golem!" A huge magic cirle appeared before the ground they're stepping. The ground trembled and split open as a rock like monster came out. Its mammoth size body clearly shows its durability and strength. It's guttural snarl could be heard miles from the forest.

"If I we're you I would just come without struggling. Ridge's summoning magic encompasses anything that exists."

"This is just one of the things I could call forth. It's really no use fighting us. You won't win."

"Who are you and what do you want?" Mira asked Ridge ignoring the threat of the latter.

"Tch. You are not in the position to talk here. Rock Golem attack her!"

"Wraaahhh!!" The monster released massive blows against Mira. Pulverizing everything his hands hit. The latter barely dodged the attacks.

"Aaahh!" A high pitched scream echoed across the trees. Mira was trapped in between the hands of the golem. One wrong move and she could get crushed.

"Didn't I told you fighting us wou- what the?"

The woman in question disappeared in the golem's hands instead droplets of water flow from it.

"You will pay for that!!!" The pool of water started morphing into the form of the take over mage.

"Transformation Magic huh? Interesting."

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