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"b, seriously, come to bed," edwin mumbled as he shifted under the covers, brandon was still sitting at the office desk in their room. the macbook was illuminating his face and reflecting off his glasses as he worked on a track, he decided to be logical and go to bed with a defeated sigh. when he stood to stretch, the worn out marvel graphic tee of edwin's rose enough where you could see his pudgy bump.
he slid under the covers and the, now bright lime haired, love of his life instantly pulled brandon's warm body towards his. brandon giggled when edwin gently bit on one of his chubby cheeks, "eddy!" edwin chuckled, "i'm sorry, i can't help loving your chipmunk cheeks!"
brandon was out like a light minutes later, only to wake up a couple of hours later from a restless sleep. the younger boy looked up into the darkness, huffing in defeat since he figured he wasn't going to get any more sleep because of the active baby, "come on lil' bee, i'm trying to get some rest." brandon hummed softly as he rubbed his belly, it showed enough to let others know that a little human was growing inside of him. his eyes widened when he felt a little flutter, this was different from the baby moving..it was a kick!
"eddy!...eddy!...EDDY!" brandon aggressively whispered as he called his boyfriend's name, "who's there?" edwin quickly responded, to which brandon rolled his eyes and turned on the lamp on his bedside. edwin squinted at the sudden illumination of the light, "the baby kicked!" he forgot about the light being too bright as his eyes widened and his hand immediately going to brandon's belly, "no way, where?!" brandon quickly put his hand over edwins to guide him to where the next little flutter was and edwin smiled wide as he looked at brandon who looked at him in disbelief, "that's our baby, eddy!"
he chuckled, "you don't say, beautiful. come on, let's go to sleep. we don't need you tired on easter." brandon sighed as he leaned over to turn out the lamp, "if the baby lets me." edwin placed his head on brandon's tummy where he could feel the baby moving under him, brandon immediately attached his hands to edwin's head, "i miss your curls, eddy." edwin chuckled, his eyes fell closed as he mumbled, "go to sleep, mama." brandon opened his mouth to protest against the name, but he shut it because it'd be no use complaining about it every time edwin calls him that.
"ahh! there's my beautiful, glowing baby bro!" halie exclaimed as soon as she stepped through the front door, throwing her arms around brandon into a tight hug, who gladly accepted it. the two started excitedly chattering as more of the boy's friends and family arrived at their house. it was a fun and exciting atmosphere, edwin was admiring how happy and radiant brandon was being surrounded by literally everyone that mattered in his life. for once, zion made the smart decision of all five's family and friends gathering at the boyband's house, and they thought it was a good idea, that way they all don't have to go to their separate hometowns when they consider each other family too.
after catching up and then eating, brandon tried to get everyone in the room attention, but of course, he was the soft-spoken person that he was and didn't get noticed. zion noticed though, "ayo, listen up! mama b got something to say!" he nodded in satisfaction with himself for helping out brandon, who just rolled his eyes because of the reminder that the name spread to the boys, "thank you, z."
"i got you." brandon chuckled, but then his face went straight as he realized everyone was looking at him, "uh..okay..hi. i don't know why i'm nervous when i've performed in front of thousands," he chuckled nervously as a few people adored him, "so, i literally waited until the right time - which i thought was easter - to tell you guys, and eddy. although he was being an ass afterwards, i didn't let eddy go to the last doctor's appointment with me." there were a few chuckles, "that's cause i wanted to be able to tell everyone while we're together that we're having a gir-.."
"HOLY SHIT!" zion was the first to exclaim and jump around in excitement, "in your face, nick! told you, and now i get my bragging rights!" there was a clammer of people exclaiming and chattering in excitement, brandon and edwin's family were an emotional mess after hearing the news. edwin's mom was constantly kissing on his cheeks and hugging brandon as she cried out in spanish with tears flowing, and halie was teasingly threatening edwin about how he better treat the two right. after the hype died down and everyone had to leave because it was getting late and other things on their own agendas for easter had to be done, it was just brandon and the boys. brandon was laying on the couch, in between edwin's legs as he leaned back into edwin's chest, and edwin was lovingly paying attention to brandon's pudgy bulge.
meanwhile, nick, zion, and austin were playing video games until it was nightfall. the get together had brandon exhausted and surprisingly he wanted to go to bed instead of work on a track or anything, "yo, what if we all have a slumber party down here in the living room?" nick suggested, it sounded like a genius idea because all five of them haven't spent time together solely with each other. blankets and pillows were thrown on the floor into almost mountains, and they all laid on them. what was amusing to brandon was that the boys were all laying around brandon's body in some sort of protective arrangement, edwin was laying his head on brandon's belly, having found comfort in doing that and feeling the baby move underneath him lately. zion was on the side of brandon, spectating the action movie they were watching as he was propped up on his side. austin was laying on his stomach at the end of brandon's feet and nick set himself where he used austin's back as a pillow as he watched the movie on his back.
then, brandon got this weird thought about how he was the "mom" of the group, and the way they all were surrounding him supported the observation even more, "and it's not like it's going to change, so get used to it, moms," zion stated to brandon, who must've thought out loud, as his eyes stayed glued to the flat screen, "now why would he do that? that's why you got stabbed, dumbass!"