► Chapter 22

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Neil Madden

A series of rapid tapping rouses me from my sleep. There are short pauses in between, clicking, then more tapping. Waking up to my father working on the computer again has become my alarm. When he starts working, I immediately wake up to do the same.

"How long did I sleep for?" my voice comes out raspy and drowsy, clearing my throat while rubbing my eyelids lightly. They feel so dry and heavy.

"About three hours," he replies. "Go back to sleep. I'll wake you up later."

"No, I'm already awake." I yawn, shifting around the bed to try and get my ass up except my body refuses to listen to me, slouching further onto the soft large bed of the hotel.

All that work Genesio and I had to do with the bodies really took a toll on me—especially when Genesio decided to get creative with it. Sighing to myself, I opened my eyelids to see the dimly lit room with two beds, a large plasma television on a dresser, and a study desk with an office chair to its right where my father is sat.

The blue curtains to the balcony to my right is spread open, revealing the darkness across the oasis and buildings with apartments still having their lights on. The bed right in front of the balcony is a mess as if my father had been tossing and turning for hours before he decided to work on the computer again.

Right as I am losing a battle with sleep, dozing back off to a comfortable slumber, a heavy vibration snaps me wide awake recognizing it to be a phone. "What do you need, Nik?" My father answers.

Dominik's name is enough reason to throw myself off the mattress, steadily approaching the brown hair man clicking away.

"We found out where Danio is staying but we've been staking the place for two hours," Dominik says in frustration. "Can you track down where the fuck he is?"

"I'll call you back." he hangs up with a tap of his finger then turns his focus on another phone—Theodore's phone.

I watch him plug the smartphone into his laptop and going through the contact list; I don't know whether he had already unlocked it as I was sleeping or Theodore didn't bother putting a passcode on it. Nonetheless, he finds a particular contact labeled 'traitor' then calls it.

Soon nervousness grabs a hold of my tired frame, unbothered by the fact I'm half-naked and practically hovering over my father. The ringing call is on speaker, Frank tapping away to set up whatever it is he needs to set up before another few rings and the call connects.

The first thing we hear is incredibly loud music and females giggling or talking in the background. "What do you want, Greco (Greek)?"

My father leans in speaking in gibberish attempting to stall the call.

"What? Hello? I can't hear you, speak louder!" Danio raises his voice.

Frank does it again except this time in German, "Bleib ein bisschen länger. Ich werde dich finden und dich ausnehmen, wie ein Schwein (Stay a little longer. I'll find you and gut you like a pig)."

My jaw clenches hard to hold in the sounds threatening to leave my lips.

"Theo, you're not making any fucking sense. I'll call you later."

Danio cuts the call.

However, in Frank's laptop, there's a red dot blinking in the map of Bethesda, Maryland. From the corner of my eye I can see my father smirking to himself as he dials Dominik back with his phone—once again on speaker. "Where are you at?" He asks.

"Lanier Place." Tesauro responds for Dominik.

"You're an eight-minute drive to The Camelot Showbar Strip Club." My father scowls at the name of the establishment popping up on his screen.

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