Chapter 4: Tokiko's House

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Satoshi's POV

Next was Tokiko's turn. After we had reunited Yuki with her mother, we started to head to Tokiko's house, which was, unfortunately, farther away than we expected. When we finally arrived, we had been walking for almost an hour. She lived near Mayu's new house, and they were both really excited.

" Maybe I can babysit you!" Mayu said happily, to which Tokiko grinned widely.

" Yeah! I want you to be my babysitter!"

We approached the front door and rang the doorbell. Almost immediately, an older woman with wide, crazy eyes whipped open the door, with a phone at her ear. She whispered a quick thanks to the person on the phone and threw it down on the table next to her.

" Where is she? Where is my Toki-chan? WHERE?!" She yelled at me. I had no idea how she knew about her daughter, but I suspected that Yuki's mother phoned her and told her about it.

" Toki-chan... I haven't heard that nickname in such a long time. Only mommy ever called me that!"

Tokiko forcefully pushed herself past me with the most force a 7 year old can have, and grabbed her mother with two hands, looking up at her.

"T-T-Tokiko? It really is you! You look the exact same! I remember buying you that dress for your 7th birthday!"

The woman embraced her long-lost daughter, sobbing happily. Tokiko bawled at the top of her lungs, along with her mother, who just cried, "Tokiko, Tokiko,Tokiko..." Over and over.

"Mommy, what happened to you? You look different than I remember."

Her mother smiled, wrinkles lining her cheek. " It's been thirty years since I've last seen you,Toki-chan. I got old, unlike you, I see."

Tokiko frowned. "I don't want an old mommy. Let me fix that."

Tokiko wiped her small finger on her tear-stained cheek, then touched her mother's. A bright light emitted from the spot where Tokiko's finger had been, and soon the same transformation that Yuki's mother had undergone had been done to her. The old woman had become a gorgeous 30 year old with long black hair.

She stood in shock for a while, touching her face and studying her hands with her eyes.

" Wha... How...wh-what? What happened to me? I'm thirty years younger again!" She sputtered to us, flabbergasted.

I smiled. " Ehehehe. We don't know what happened. We didn't bring your daughter back to life, but it doesn't mean anything. Your little girl is back! And that's all that matters."

She smiled at us, with tears in her eyes. " Please,come in. I insist. We must talk about this more, and I suspect you're all getting chilly. So come on in! Ill make tea!"

I stepped inside, taking off my shoes and sitting down in one of the chairs in the living room. On one wall, I gigantic memorial of Tokiko had been placed, pictures of her and cards from relatives telling all the stories they had about her. Ryou ooed and aawed at all the expensive china and interesting statues and paintings they had draped around the house. " No touching." I told him, to which he frowned.

Tokiko sprinted all around her house yelling, " It's all the same! I remember this, and this, and this, and this!"

Her mother sighed happily, gazing at her ecstatic daughter. Then she turned to us.

" I'm still scarred from the day I saw her body. Half her head cut off, covered in blood, I almost didn't recognize her. I thought I would never see my beautiful baby again, after she was kidnapped after school. Her father and I grieved for the longest time, and he ended up leaving me after he saw what had been done to her. I wanted to die so badly, to join her wherever she was, but something kept me hoping, something that made me think that one day, my baby would come back to me. I never thought she would actually return!"

She wiped her eyes, staring at a happy 5 year old Tokiko, smiling in a picture. She sighed again, before Tokiko let out a scream from down the hall.

" My room! I found my room! And there's presents!"

Her mother chuckled. " The other parents of the murdered children need up getting really close after our children died. We bought presents for our children every year after they died, just to keep a memory of them. I guess Tokiko found her little stack of gifts!"

Ryou processed this for a while, before gasping loudly.

"Does that mean I get presents too? Did my mommy buy me presents?"

Tokiko's mother smiled at the little boy. " Of course she did! She never missed one birthday of yours. She loved her little boy with all her heart!"

Ryou grinned and clapped his hands, before sprinting down the hall to join Tokiko.

We arrived at Tokiko's room, a cute little pink room with a small, neat quilted bed and a small window with a potted flower, probably placed there by her mother.

"Mommy, you kept my room. You kept it the same! I'm so glad! But, where's daddy? I want to see him!"

Her mother's face puckered. You'll know when you're older, okay Tokiko? I promise, your daddy will know about you!"

Tokiko seemed satisfied with this answer, and began tearing open presents. Dolls, expensive clothing, stuffed animals, and a heck of a lot of wrapping paper littered her floor, and Tokiko screamed with delight at each gift.

"Mommy, I love them all! Thank you all so much! I love you!!" She laughed, throwing her arms around us all. Mayu chatted to Tokiko's mother about babysitting while we put our coats back on and headed out the door.

" Bye!!" Tokiko yelled from her doorstep. " See you later, Mayu-onee-chan!"

"Aww Mayu! You're an onee-chan now!" Morishige said. Mayu giggled.

" I guess I am! Yay!"

She ran ahead alongside Ryou, who was bursting with impatience and excitement.

Well, two children done, one more to go!

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