A/N: i know the way i am referring mikrokosmos aren't the actual meaning of the word, since the actual thing is a piano piece but i love the song so lets pretend it means something else 😂
I always look up at the stars and stare at it's beauty. How breathtaking it is to see all the planets from my telescope, I find it so fascinating.
So when I met you Jungkook, an extremely uneducated boy, but shared the same love for the stars as myself, I had mixed thoughts towards you.
Because sometimes you are the silliest person alive, but sometimes you make me feel weird inside my heart. I don't understand what those feelings are but I'm fine with feeling them.
You once told me that you liked the stars because you believe that once people die, they go to heaven and they're memory is left in the galaxy on their way there.
You told me that because that's what your parents told you when you grandfather passed away.
You called them mikrokosmos.
I think it is the most beautiful thing I've heard.
That someday, when our time has ended, we go walk the stairs to heaven, and we leave behind beautiful mikrokosmos, others still on earth can see and enjoy the beauty of our essence.
But I haven't looked up at the sky for a while now.
Not since halmeoni passed away.
I haven't spoken to you for a year since then.
I couldn't.
I didn't want to believe my precious grandmother was a mikrokosmo. I didn't want to believe she was just a star up there and she wasn't with me anymore.
My biggest regret was the day of the memorial, you came up to me to comfort me and I pushed you away. I yelled at you for believing in mikrokosmos, calling them stupid.
I saw the tears in your eyes when you walked away.
I'm not sure if you ever knew, but that day I cried more than I ever had before.
It's been a year. And I miss you.
I miss your small mindedness, I miss you talking on and on about the stars, the both of us going for star walks.
I miss you Jungkook.
And I'm currently waiting for you at the café we used to always go to, 'Magic Shop'.
Third Person POV
Taehyung twiddled his thumbs nervously, waiting at Magic Shop Café for Jungkook.
Hi ex boyfriend, in whom he hasn't spoken to for months.
Jungkook had secretly been there not too long after Taehyung came. He was confused to why Taehyung had asked for them to meet up.
He couldn't deny he still loved the other, but Jungkook was unsure whether the other felt the same.
After staring at Taehyung at his table, he sucked in a breath and finally went up to approach the other.
"Hey hyung." Jungkook smiled softly.
Taehyung jumped a bit turning around, "jesus Jungkook, you scared me."
The younger chuckled, he ruffled his hair and awkwardly smiled at Taehyung. Not sure of what to do.
Taehyung gestured to the chair in front of him and Jungkook nodded, taking the seat.
After a few minutes of silence, Taehyung finally spoke up, "listen Jungkook, I don't know how else to say this, but I'm sorry for everything. I have been missing you and regretting everything this past year.
I was just upset over halmeoni passing away, that I forgot that you were the other reason why I smile at all. I miss us. I miss you."
Jungkook stared at Taehyung silently, the elder stared at him with sad eyes, starting to have a few tears roll down his face.
The younger softly smiled and wiped the tears away from Taehyung's face, gently shushing him as the other started to quietly sob.
Jungkook went to Taehyung and held him in his arms, Taehyung's quick breaths starting to relax.
"I missed you so much Taehyungie~" Jungkook smiled sweetly to the elder.
"Promise me we'll never separate again? Even when we're mikrokosmos?" Taehyung breathed.
"When we're mikrokosmos we will not be separated. I will never let go of my real life mikrokosmo."
weomp weomp welcome to my first miNi shot?
i really had no idea what i was doing with this one but i hoped y'all somewhat liked it 💀
shamless self promo but read my book! "because of you"

taekook oneshots
Random"Purple means I will love and trust you for a long time." - Kim Taehyung Just a lil dose of Taekook <3 07/10/19 #29 shipping 07/11/19 #19 shipping