Chapter Fourteen: Old Fashioned Courting

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Monday came and Eva had to go to work while the boys did other things. They talked about showing Avarie how to drive a car but today they wanted to go ride their motorcycles. Matthias left Avarie with a task of researching more. In her room, she went through documentaries and articles about how the United States was founded and the events that led from the Revolutionary War up until the year 2000. She watched as images of bombings and dead children flashed on the screen. An image of a dead child burned by radiation from the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and the genocide of Palestinians left themselves etched in her brain. She felt sick and wondered why didn't they rise up? Most of this was too much. She took a break by visiting Sasha.

She opened his lid and found that his appearance hadn't changed. Again the cat jumped on his chest and made himself comfortable. She popped in her earbuds and listened to music while she painted. In a way, she was glad she had time to herself. She had a lot to process and she didn't want the boys around. With Courtney, she now had her mind off of the task at hand, and that was to research what happened to the world. She started to wonder if the world was even worth saving.

It was a very upsetting thought. Slowly she lowered her paintbrush. I don't have to do anything, but if I do nothing my own life it isn't worth living either. Eventually, everything I love or enjoy will be lost anyway. We all die that's just a fact of life. She picked up her brush again and a voice answered,  "It's how we decide to live in this plane of existence that matters." It was just a whisper. Spinning around and dropping her brush she looked for the source. It was a deep man's voice she never heard before. Taking a moment she shrugged it off. Again she picked up the brush and moved it along the canvas.

How do I fight what I can't see? The minds of the people were lost a long time ago and the victors wrote the history books. Everybody got it wrong. The Revolutionary War wasn't fought over fucking tea. No, it was fought because England committed multiple conspiracies against the Colonies. The international banking cartel forged their way into the states leaving people in perpetual debt. The Civil War was fought over the rights of the states and slavery was not the complete issue. Why is hindsight always 20/20? Secret societies slithered their way into mass media brainwashing the people and telling them how to think,  act,  and dress. Even how WWII happened was complete propaganda. Wars were made to generate revenue for the military industrial complex. Collateral damage is just a nonchalant term for the murder of innocent people.

Tears started to pool in her eyes. There were thousands of people trying to educate the masses on what was going on so they could stop the insanity. But it was too deeply embedded. She understood that the human genetic code was manipulated from the beginning. The Bible and other religious books have proven that. Because of dogmas and religion, the Elite used fear to tame the masses. If history repeats itself why didn't people learn lessons from the past?

Giving up on painting she cleaned up. She wanted to get out of her head. There were so many horrific events that shaped the world to what it is today. It felt that nobody could find peace. She moved over towards Sasha's tomb and sat next to it. "You know I wouldn't wake up either. Life is a beautiful lie anyway. We only live just to be miserable and die. People get old just to wish they could start again. Grand legacies are left to those with a golden spoon while they watch wasted lives wither like a petal in the wind." She was crying now. Georg the cat decided it was a good time to sit in her lap. She patted his head while letting her tears flow. The water bells slowed their pace to match her heartbeat and the flowers on the wall started to hang low. No, this was no life at all........


Matthias and Courtney were letting the wind rip through their hair doing at least 110MPH on straightaways. Matthias was showing off by popping wheelies every now and then while Courtney laughed. It's been a while since they went for a bike ride. It was one of their hobbies. When the first Harley came out Courtney became obsessed. There was just something about a powerful engine and two wheels to get your heart pumping. Matthias was riding a Deus Grievous Angel and Courtney was on a Jordan Meadows Metalblack. Driving for three hours without stopping they found a café and ate lunch. Normally Matthias wouldn't leave Avarie alone. However, the wind was calling his name and he wanted out of the house for a while so to speak.

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