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Coran-"alright class form groups of five or six then come find a teacher to be your tour guide and Guardian for the field trip then we will decide on what we want to do and to a vote of hand raising"

Lance-"hunk, pidge, shiro, allura, and Keith"

Keith-" whatever"

Pidge-" before any of you guys start talking about your dumb crazy ideas I'm sharing mine and that it a trip to a tech camp or science camp" "now you may speak"

Lance-" that's lame!, we should do a camp by a beach oh or maybe go to an arcade!!!"

Hunk-" I liked lances first idea, the cabins and the beach sound fun"

Shiro-" yah"

Allura-" and we should chose me.coran as our guide/guardian"

Keith-" cool"

Lance-" oh don't act like you don't like the idea keith we know u like it!"

Keith-" fine, I like it" *rolls eyes and plays music*

Day 0
Coran-" ok does everyone have everything they need packed?"

Everyone in the group" yes"

Coran-"ok lets get this trip on the ride!"

Lance leans forward and turns the radio on switching thru Chanel's looking for a good song

He stopped at a pop station that was playing hips don't lie

Shiro moves his robotic arm forward and turned the volume down a bit so keith and him could actually sleep wich Keith could not due to be seated next to lance who was in the middle of keith who was on the right side and pidge who was on the left side

Later that day

Lance-" coran stop at the next gas station please"

Coran-" ok"
At the next gas station

Pidge hunk and shiro went to go look for food keith went to get a drink and allura followed coran and talked till it was time for them to check out and lance went to the bathroom to fix his hair

Keith nocked on the bathroom door to let lance know he had to hurry up because they were all waiting
Lance-" fineeee"
Keith-" just hurry"

After they all had bought food and drinks and lance stopped messing with his hair, they loaded back up into the van but this time allura sat in front next to coran and shiro, hunk and pidge in the middle row leaving lance and Keith to sit together in the back uncomfortably

Lance-" why do I have to sit next to emo mullet back here!!!"

Keith-" and why do I have to sit next to the dumb anoyying lance!!!"

Coran-"because that was part of the seat arrangements you two had not participated in so it is sorta a punishment to both of you guys"

Lance and Keith-" so dumb"

Skipping time again cause I be getting lazy sorry, once Keith, lance, hunk, coran (who has switched places with shiro), and allura all fell asleep leaving pidge and shiro awake.
Pidge looked around the van seeing if she could take embarrassing photos to tease people about later and shiro driving.
Pidge looked back to see lance on top of keith both fast asleep, lance drooling spooning Keith who had his arms around lances neck with his shirt half way pulled up due to moving around while sleeping.
Pidge starts taking photos of klance sleeping together at about 500 different angles(exaggerated much Bailey) and sending them to the whole chat making lance and Keith quickly wake up.
Keith relized lance looking at him in shock, both boys wide eyed and ready to scream

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