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Honey wondered why she did this to herself?

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Honey wondered why she did this to herself?

It was a never ending cycle with her. She would make a promise to herself to to bed early with the intention to have enough energy to function properly at school. Next thing she knew, it would nearing towards the early hours of the morning.

To make matters worse, she had to wake up at 7am for school. She would rush to school at times because she would end up snoozing her alarm over and over, resulting in her completely forgetting to eat anything before school.

Like a domino effect, she'll be in class with her stomach growling loudly for the whole class to hear. It could be so embarrassing, but somehow she managed to do this nearly day. She just didn't understand what wasn't clicking with her?

"Girl, you must be hungry as hell! I'm all the way back here tryna do my work, but all I hear is your stomach growling," Cyn pointed out, laughing from behind Honey.

Honey dropped her pencil in her open textbook, turning around with a deepened sigh. "You got that right sis. You know how I be. I woke up late again and now I'm so hungry like I could really bite into this wooden desk." She imagined it looking like a delectable milky chocolate bar.

Cyn scrunched up her nose in disgust, her brown eyes slightly wide. "Now that's just nasty. You know how many dirty lil kids done stuck their gum under these desks? You're gonna be eating nothing but germs and bacteria," She shook her head as she leaned back into the chair, resuming the act of jotting down the notes from the board.

Honey rolled her eyes in annoyance, "Only you would take me seriously. As if I'd really eat this hard, nasty ass desk. I won't have no teeth left and I'd die from an overdose on germs." If it was one thing her best friend was going to do was take her literal.

Just as Honey uttered those last words, the bell rang loudly above them signaling class to an end. Honey had already been through 2 of her 4 classes of the day. The school year just started a month ago and even though Honey graduates in May. It felt like it was taking forever to get here. She was tired of going to school the workload, the annoying teachers, the students were not worth it.

Luckily, she had her best friend Cynthia Brooks by her side to make things more bearable for her. Honey met Cyn when they were only in 9th grade and they've been attached to the hip ever since. Cyn was the closest friend Honey ever had and trusted her more than anyone else.

Honey started collecting her belongings from the table and shoved them into her book bag, daydreaming about the meal she was going to get from the cafe. She was so thankful that it was lunchtime. A break from lectures and an opportunity to eat.

"Slow down girl that food ain't going no where," Cyn mused as she watched her friend shove books into her bag as if her life depended on it.


"You don't know what I'm going through right now! Imma pass out if I don't get some food down my throat." Honey exaggerated, fanning herself like she was about to faint. In truth, she was feeling a bit weak so she really did need to eat.

She hitched her bag on her shoulder, tucking her phone in her back pocket as she and Cyn started their usual routine down the hallway to the cafeteria.

"Mmhm you're just dramatic," Cyn muttered as she glanced at Honey out the corner of her eyes. Honey narrowed her eyes to retort back to what Cyn said but stopped herself.

"Oh lord code red. Here he come," Honey lowered her voice to a whisper, leaning in close to Cyn. Once her bestfriend caught wind of what was happening. She rolled her eyes as she caught a glimpse of the person coming in their direction.

"Damn. Here come Devon dusty, long neck having ass with that faded ass T-shirt that he wears every day. You would think with how much he stay tryna get some ass he could put that energy into getting a fucking job," Cyn replied with a deep scowl, her arms crossed her chest.

Honey held back a laugh. She knew there wasn't a lot of things that could upset Cyn except thirsty ass dudes that don't take no for an answer. Devon had been trying to get at Cyn since forever and her bestfriend wasn't going for it. Despite how hard Cyn shot him down, he was always so persistent.

"Aye Cyn! You look fine as hell. You tryna let me get at you?" Devon smirked as he stood tall in front of the two girls. Devon was a brow skin brother with clean fade, but all he did was flirt with every female that came within 5 feet of him. Luckily, for Honey he never really looked her way because he likes girls with the attitude that gave him a challenge. Honey really liked to stay out of the way and didn't catch attitudes unless absolutely necessary.

"Devon, we went over this million and one times. I'm not interested so get the fuck on please," Cyn huffed as Devon licked his lips at her feisty attitude.

Honey grimaced as she watched the gestures and mannerisms of him trying to be sexy. Keyword trying. Honey ain't the one to judge nobody, but Devon needed more than just saliva to moisten them crusty ass lips.

I know he feel that. Like how can he even talk with all them cracks in his lips? I'm surprised they ain't start bleeding yet. Honey thought to herself as she watched Cyn and him go back and forth. Honey knew that if she didn't step in they would be bickering forever.

"Devon it was nice seeing you, but Cyn and I have to get to lunch. See you later!" Honey interjected as she tugged on Cyn's arm to get them moving towards the cafeteria. Honey wasn't about to let no dust bucket keep her from enjoying a nice juicy burger. Plus, Honey seen that Cyn was starting to get really upset and that's the last thing Honey wanted to happen.

"Girl, what would I do without you? I was about one second from beating his ass." Cyn smiled with gratitude.

"Babe, don't worry about it," Honey waved her off. It wasn't nothing Honey wasn't used to. She know how can be Cyn sometimes when it comes to certain people. She was a hothead with Honey around, it was a nice balance between the two.

In no time Honey and Cyn made it to the cafe and into the line eager for a plate. Once she got her lunch she took a seat at her lunch table that consisted of Her, Cyn, and 2 twin sisters named Robin and Amethyst. Honey considered them to be associates. They were nice enough for her, but sometimes they could be huge gossipers.

"Hey girlssss!" Cyn greeted as she got close enough to the table where the girls were seated.

"Wassup!" They both said unison with a pretty grins decorating their faces. They were both Dominican with long black hair and they had the cutest accents ever. That's actually how Honey began talking to them a few months ago, striking up a conversation of where they were from.

They began to dive into an entire conversation about the latest drama at the school. Honey didn't mind them one bit, tuning them completely out as she swallowed her burger whole. She didn't care how she looked right now. All that mattered was getting this food in her stomach as soon as possible. But of course all good things come to an end.

"So Honey..we heard something in the grapevine about you and Terrell? What's tea? You our girl so we had to run it by you first,"

Honey slowly stopped eating, her expression became void of any emotion as her appetite vanished. Hearing that name alone always affected her in ways she wished it didn't.

She made eye contact with Cyn and hated seeing the pity swirling in her brown eyes. Seeing that pity reminded her memories she wanted to keep buried within herself. Memories she wished that didn't exist.

Honey felt tears began to burn in the back of her eyes and abruptly stood up from the lunch table. She was not going to shed single tear in front of them.

She wouldn't relive those memories.

"Fuck him," She replied simply, shrugging and hurriedly escaped to the nearest bathroom. She's grateful they didn't see the tears brimming her eyes as she turned her backs to them, diving in between tables and students to the exit.

Honey always hated how sensitive she could be.

^ Honey Hue ^

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^ Honey Hue ^

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