Loki's PoV:
It took a while but I managed to calm the little child down. He was reduced to hiccups by the time the rest of the team returned from their mission. Steve instantly ran over to me and Tony.
"Is he okay? What happened?" He asked and I looked at him.
"HYDRA got in and fought against us. We fought back but me and Thor were outnumbered. Tony had used something he made in the lab earlier and killed one of the agents." I whisper to him since I didn't want Tony crying again.
"He must've been so frightened." Steve whispered back and I nodded.
Soon enough, Tony was back to his old self, well his young, happy self.
Steve's PoV:
We were all discussing new plans to defend against HYDRA since they had managed to get past the tower's defences. Tony was playing with Thor for a bit since he had volunteered to.
"What are we going to do? Tony was the only one that sorted out the tower's defences." I say and look at the others.
"I can maybe do something but I won't be able to do as much as Tony." Bruce says.
"That's better than nothing." Nat says and we all agree.
"So it's settled then." I say.
We all stood up and went about our business. I went over to Tony and Thor and sat on the couch, watching them. Tony was building stuff with Lego and showing Thor how it works. It's rather adorable.
"That bit goes there." Tony says to Thor and he nodded, doing as Tony showed him.
"What are you building Tony?" I asked and Tony looked up at me.
"We're building the tower!" Tony yells with a giggle.
I look at it and it actually looks very good. It's not even a Lego set. That's impressive.
"Steve. I'm going out to buy food to stock up the fridge." Nat says, dragging Clint with her.
"Okay. Have fun." I say as they leave.
Thor had Mjolnir next to him as they continued to build the tower with the Lego blocks. Thor was joining in more. Tony soon noticed Mjolnir next to Thor, getting curious.
"Can I hold it?" He asked and I saw the smirk on Thor's face.
"You can try. No one but me has been able to pick it up." Thor says and places it in front of Tony for him to try.
Tony stood up, taking a hold of the handle. He then began trying to lift it up, struggling. He then fell backwards with the hammer in his hands. Me and Thor were staring in shock.
"How does an age change make him worthy?" I ask and Thor shrugs.
I decided to take a picture of Tony with Mjolnir so I could show Nat and Clint later.
"Loki! Bucky! Bruce!" I yell to call them to see this.
"What is wrong Steve? Is Tony hurt?" Bucky asks as he looks at me.
I point over at Tony and Bucky's jaw dropped.
"How?" He asks and I shrug.
Loki was just staring at Tony, baffled by the fact he was worthy.
"I thought you said he wasn't worthy." Loki says to Thor.
"I have no idea that an age change would cause that to happen." Thor says.
Bruce walked into the living room.
"Why was I ca-" He cut himself off once he caught sight of Tony with Mjolnir.
Tony then walked back over to Thor and passed it to him.
"It's heavy." Tony says and goes back to building like nothing shocking had happened.

Kid Tony
ActionSomething happens to Tony that causes him to revert back to a kid's age. Jarvis contacts the others hoping they can help him.