A Demon in a Coffee Shop

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Eli stood there, staring at her blankly, Shane's coffee still in his outstretched hand. Ryan was wiping her coffee off of his shirt, saying something about how she had to spit it all over him while Shane, once again, collapsed into laughter.

"Eli oh my goodness it's you!" Finley managed to stammer out, unable to regain her composure. Although they hadn't dated in high school, there always had been some sort of romantic tension between them. It was pretty awkward. Just like all of my high school friendships.

"Hi," Eli answered a second too long, handing Shane his coffee and accepting the money, getting change the fastest he ever had in his entire career as a barista. He shoved the receipt and coins across the counter. "Have a nice day," he muttered, without making eye contact.

"I see you're still a jerk," Finley sighed, the initial shock wearing off. He wouldn't greet her properly, and at least she and Oliver had a decent conversation. Even though she hated to admit it, she had missed Eli. "What are you doing here?"

"Working. Could you please step out of the way, customers are trying to order," he asked, still glaring at the counter, his face beet red. Finley rolled her eyes, stepping away from the counter.

"This is why I dated Oliver instead of you," She took another sip of her coffee, annoyed at the fact that Eli was still the same mean old Eli she knew in High School. "Come on Shane, come on Ryan, let's go." Ryan followed, pulling a still-laughing Shane over a table.

"Wow, another ex? Is this some kind of crazy coincidence or something? A conveniently cliche plot device to create drama in a sort of fanfiction?" Ryan grinned, sipping his own coffee. "And by the way- you owe me one for covering for you with Oliver. And because you spit your coffee all over me," he added.

"Not an ex, an old friend. Actually more of an enemy. Who liked me. And I only owe you a new shirt because I saved your scared little butt in the Sallie House." While they were in the Sallie House, the closet which Shane had shoved Ryan in had somehow locked. Finley had to unlock the door by screwing the handle off of the door. She wished she could've been cool and opened it with a bobby pin like every other fanfic character. But her author was lame and made her carry around a screwdriver instead. Because that made so much more sense.

"That doesn't count!" he argued.

"That was hilarious," Shane wheezed, still trying to get over the image of Finley's coffee sprayed on Ryan's face. "Finley you should've left him in there longer, he probably would've broken the door down."

"That was NOT funny, Shane!!" Ryan said too loudly, making other, more normal coffee-drinkers turn their heads. He sipped his coffee indignantly, slurping as he did so. Finley giggled at the memory.

"It kind of was- shoot Eli's starting at me!" Finley looked out of the window behind her, pretending not to have seen. She didn't try to fight her oncoming blush, giving up on attempting to make her face look normal. Ryan laughed. I understand how Finley feels. There's this one jock in History that keeps staring at me for no reason. Maybe because I stare at him first. Who knows.

"Want me to hold your hand or something? Show him that you're 'taken'?" he offered, teasing. Yes, please. Shane laughed again.

"Nah, I think you should hug her, that might be more obvious," he suggested. Eli narrowed his eyes at Ryan and Shane, scowling. He looked as though he was about to shout that he was taking fifty points from each of their Houses as he shoved a cup of coffee at a customer, his eyes still on Finley. The author kept this Hogwarts reference in because she believes it's quite funny and still works. Eli was a prefect in the original story, in case that fact interested you.

"Do something! Please!" Finley begged them quietly, wanting the embarrassing day to just end.

"Maybe you should spit out your coffee on Ryan again," Shane suggested with a chuckle. "That'll get his attention."

"No, just turn and stare at him," Ryan said, death-glaring at Eli. Shane did the same. Eli, somewhat startled, looked at them quizzically, one eyebrow raised, before turning away to get someone's coffee. Ryan and Shane fist bumped as they turned back to Finley.

"We won," Shane informed her. They all sat down at a comfy looking booth. "He stopped staring."

"Thanks guys," Finley grinned gratefully. She propped her head on her hands, her eyes finding Ryan's, who was now sitting across from her in the booth. "So, Mr. Bergara, what haunted location are we going to ghostbust next?" Ryan copied her smile, and launched into a long explanation of their next video. They were all still heartily rambling when Finley drained the last of her coffee. 

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