Chapter 24: Unfit for a team

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Going to the castle to learn magic became part of Arman's daily routine. As usual, he improved his ability to heal things. He learned several methods of healing and shielding for defensive purposes. He never understood why he was taught how to protect against spells, but he knew it was very vital; otherwise, Mr. Know It All would not have insisted on it. As usual, Arman gained nice friends, such as Poncho and Liana, who hung out with him in their spare time, but he also made a few enemies as he became the talk of the castle.

One of the guys who sat down with Angelica asked, "Yo healer crap, tell me something, why do you walk on your bloody toes?" "Because I have a mobility issue with my right ankle," Arman said. "Why? Do my gait upset you in any way? The lad got to his feet and chuckled, saying, "No you dumb wit, it's simply quite amusing to see some one walk in a strange manner." "hey knock it off Inolgus" Poncho severely said, escorting Arman away from the scene, "Do you see that Angelica? "Your teammate now has a new boyfriend," the man chuckled. Angelica slapped the guy on the back, "Now, now Inolgus, that's my teammate you're talking about, you know what may happen if you piss me off," she grinned. "Oh no, I'm sorry, don't stop coming in my room," the guy muttered nervously.

Poncho managed to get Arman out of the place in the meanwhile. "It's true that you have ankle mobility issues?" he inquired. "No," Arman responded. "You know, if I told them that I've been walking this way since I was a youngster, there would be a lot more questions in line that I would get tired answering." The reply made Poncho giggle. "I heard that guy talking about you being Angelica's squad member," he asked. "Oh, that! Yes, she and I work together as a team" Poncho responded, "There are several teams in the castle. We go out into the wizarding world and tackle problems called 'missions.'" It is against council procedure for us students to take on challenging missions. The strongest pupils from the S class or the elite 7 handle those tasks."

"Okay, I am puzzled." Says Arman, "Council? The Elite 7?" "Oh, you weren't born in the wizard realm or raised by wizards. Similar to how there is a type of government that establishes laws in the human world—I believe it is known as the United Nations Organization—the council also creates some regulations; in essence, they are the ones that determine all the other laws and decisions. The seven masters who instruct us in the castle are known as the Elite 7. They are Aria, Daisy, Draco, Flinner, Gaberoth, Lukas, and Hopendro. "Master Gaberoth, Lukas, and Mistress Aria are human-born wizards; the rest are beasts." Master Gaberoth, who is he?" Arman enquired with curiosity. "The one who looks like a kid," "You mean, Mr. Know It All?" "It's fascinating, I had no idea you guys were that tight," Poncho answered back.

Arman needed to go to the library to continue his studies even though he was still perplexed and wanted to discuss more. He was able to remain behind a bit longer because today was a college holiday. He ran into someone who was tall and collapsed. He was heading towards the library. His face became white as he glanced up. It was the anonymous one who had previously seized Arman. "So, at last, you get to meet my good buddy Flinner," Mr. Know-it-all remarked, standing directly behind Arman and attempting to help him stand again. "Flinner?" he questioned, recalling the day Rajnath had given him a beating. "Hold on, aren't you the one who showed up that day when I passed out?" he yelled. ".........." Flinner stood calmly, "He doesn't reply much, since he's a slenderman, a beast from another dimension." Mr. Know It All said, "Slenderman? Dimension?" "Yeah, he's from the world of creatures that can do many things like destroy human technology, kidnap people, torture in an horrible way, etc. and yeah, he was the one who saved you that day from that bully," Arman said, growing more perplexed. "Torture? Do you imply that Rajnath was tormented by him? How did he harm him? "Well, you know my answer, certain things are best left unseen," Mr. Know it all smirked in response to Arman's worried question.

Arman didn't ask any more queries. At least he now understood why Rajnath had been terrified. After a while, Mr. Know, it was implied that Arman needed to return to his residence since Abhimanyu could want to spend some time with him. Arman promised not to spend the entire day in the library and that he would return home shortly.

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