Chapter 4

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(Y/n) POV

I pulled out the Pokéball containing Mimikyu and threw it releasing him.

As he was released he gave a happy hiss.

Ash: WOW. What is kind of Pokémon is that?

(Y/n): My Mimikyu. I'll inform ya later.

Then Mimikyu took in his surroundings to see Pikachu.

And BOY was he angry. He gave the meanest hiss I've heard from him in a while and was about to charge at him.

(Y/n): STOP!

He then stopped all motion and looked at me.

(Y/n): Not right now we have to help out Kiawe.

He then gave a small hiss but looked towards Team Skull.

(Y/n): I'll get you your favorite candy if you behave.

This got him happy because he gave a really exited hiss.

(Y/n): That was easy.

I looked between Ash and Kiawe.

(Y/n): I get the blue leader.

Skull Grunt Leader: Enough talking peg leg. Let's battle!

(Y/n): Alright. Mimikyu! exacuere vade.

Mimikyu nodded his fake head and slashed at the salandit in front of him.

The words I chose surprised the skull leader.

Skull Leader: YO! What's with the gibberish?!

(Y/n): It's not gibberish. It's Latin. Your opponent can't tell what you're about to do if they can't understand you.

Skull: OH You're so going down.

(Y/n): Rursus!

Mimikyu then slashed at the salandit once again.

Skull: Enough! Salandit get him!

The salandit threw an attack at mimikyu.

(Y/n): ictos!

He then dashed out of the way of the attack.

(Y/n): Let's do this!


Lillie's POV

I stood here watching (Y/n), Ash, And Kiawe battle Team Skull. I was impressed by his tactic of speaking in a dead language to his Pokémon to prevent his opponent from knowing his next move. Pretty clever. And looking at it now he was quite.


All if a sudden I could hear giggling.

I turned around to see Mallow and Lana giggling.

Lillie: W-What?!

Mallow: Oh nothing just the fact that (Y/n) is so clever and muscular.

Lillie: MEEP!

Did I seriously say that out loud?!

Mallow: Lillie it's okay to crush on the new guy.

Lillie: Me?! Didn't you say "Dibs on the hottie!" Behind his back earlier.

Mallow blushed red from this statement, while Lana was laughing.

Lana: She's got a point Mallow.

Mallow turned away and crossed her arms.

Out of nowhere we can hear an explosion. We turned back to to all of Team Skull's Pokémon on the ground knocked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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