Chapter 4

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Luke really didn’t want to share a room with Michael. His room was his safe haven, it was a place where he could go to be alone, away from the scary world we all live in. People made Luke nervous, and his room was somewhere he could be away from everyone. A place where no one was bothered by his silence, where there was no one to scare him.


But unfortunately, Luke didn’t have a choice, especially since he wouldn’t argue. The most he could do (and he did it) was glare at nurse Alexis while she moved his stuff into the double room.


Now Michael and Luke were sitting on their beds, and Luke was curled up into himself, facing the wall, because he didn’t want to look at Michael. He didn’t want to see Michael looking at him. Luke wanted to pretend Michael wasn’t there for as long as possible, which wasn’t very long, because Michael started to talk.


“So, I’m supposed to learn why you never speak and don’t like people. And you’re supposed to learn why a hear voices and get angry. So, why don’t I start, since you don’t talk?” Luke, for whatever reason, turned his body towards Michael. After all, it wasn’t like Michael was ugly or anything, in fact he was quite attractive. He had dirty blond hair that stuck up in random places, but it still somehow managed to look neat (probably not to Ashton though). He had pale skin, just like Luke, and emerald green eyes that looked like they had endured more pain than they deserved. His shoulders were smaller than Luke’s, and he wasn’t super muscular, but he held himself higher than Luke did, it was obvious he was much more confident. At least compared to Luke.


Michael started to speak again, Luke guessing because he didn’t give much of a reaction. “Alright, so, I’ve been hearing the voices since I was a little kid. They were just whispers at first, telling me things were going to happen I needed to watch out for, or I shouldn’t trust everyone, things like that. Basically warning me. As I got older, the voices got louder. Screaming, all the time. People thought I was crazy. But I knew the voices were real. I know they are. I hate it when people tell me they aren’t. And as for the angry thing, I guess its just the littlest thing makes me mad. And sometimes they don’t. Sometimes I’m angry for hours, sometimes its only a couple seconds.” Luke looked up a little, so his eyes were looking just below Michael’s. He gave a slight nod, his eyes flickering up, then back down again. “I know you aren’t gonna talk, so I guess that’s all for today. I’ll talk to ya in the morning Luke.” Luke watched as Michael crawled under his covers and turned off his light.


Luke thought about what Michael said. It must be horrible hearing  unnecessary voices in your head, especially when you’re a kid. Luke couldn’t imagine how frustrating and plain annoying it must be. Luke’s problems seemed like nothing next to Michael’s. And they were warning him? About what? Did they ever warm him about things that actually ended up happening? Luke wished he could ask Michael those questions, because he really wanted to know.


Luke understands how frustrating Michael must be when people told him the voices were fake. He gets that in his own way. People would tell Luke that he was just doing this to get attention, not talking and avoiding anything that has to do with people so others will be sorry for him, which is of course not the case.


Luke also can’t imagine how horrible it must be to not be in control of his own anger. How annoying it must be to get mad over the littlest things, and not be able to get over it sometimes.

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