Troy X Reader X Chad ~ Request

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Hey y'all LeahEdwards619 requested this and yh carry on reading

Troy/Chad P.O.V
I went inside class and saw my crush Y/N L/N talking to Ryan Evans

Anger boiled in my veins, she couldn't like a doofus like him and he doesn't even look that nice (MAYDAY MAYDAY)

I walked up to her and blocked Ryan's view from seeing her and her seeing him

"Um hey guys I was kinda talking to Ryan" She said sounding offended

Troy: I love your hair today it's such a beautiful colour it represents your eyes so much

"Um thanks Troy but my hair has always Y/H/C " She said looking confused

Chad: Wow I love your nails baby blue has always been my favourite colour

"Isn't you favourite colour yellow?" She raised an eyebrow trying to see if I was lying

Chad: First yellow and then baby blue

She nods her head looking down before giving me the 'Are you lying' face which I shook my head to

Troy: Well I love your eyebrows they are on fleek

She gave me a confused look before standing up and going next to Kelsi who was writing songs

Troy's P.O.V
My heart shattered at her loss I couldn't concentrate on anything but her leaving it was like the universe ended

"It's all your fault she left" I accused Chad pushing my finger in his face

"My fault! Your the one who tried swooping my  crush off her feet" He pushed my finger away and gave me an angry look

"Your crush! She's mine too" I whispered to him

"I'm gonna get her first" He smirked looking at her direction before winking at the Y/H/C haired girl

"Uh no it's so bait that she loves me" I denied his answer and slammed my hand on the table

"I know" He crashed his elbow on the desk and put his hand up waiting for me to hold it

"If you win Y/N can be yours" He smirked at me "What about you?" I asked him raising an eyebrow "I also have the same prize" He smirked with evil showing

I slid my hand in his and we started arm wrestling each other

"She's gonna be mine" I said proudly "No mine" He retort, we both continued fighting until I stepped on his feet causing him to loose control and me winning

"Yeah" I screamed out smiling looking proud

"Cheater" He screamed at me "What is going on?" Ms. Darbus asked us folding her arms

"Y/N I love you" We both burst out before holding our mouths in embarrassment

"This is not Valentine's Day it's a normal school day so go to your seats and get your work done" Ms screamed at us

We all did what she told us to do

After class I ran up to Y/N along with Chad "So who do you pick?" I asked her crossing my fingers hoping she'll say me

"I'm really sorry guys but I'm already taken" She apologised "What" we both looked surprised

"I'm dating Ryan" She said then Ryan came and held her hand "Oh" We both muttered "But we can be friends" She smiled, we nodded and went to hang out

Hope y'all enjoyed and pls vote and request and peace

Instagram: fxtimaa.14

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