A vampire seer has arrived in Kattegat following the death of its original seer, and in the midst of a civil war between the sons of Ragnar.
Visions and prophetic dreams lead her in her journey. Chaos is her lover, and twisting men to her will is he...
The seer's home now lies freshly changed by its newest occupant- what was once drab and simple, now is lush and opulent.
Luxurious fabrics and furs now line the floors and furniture of the hovel- transforming the house into a small corner of comfort and pleasure for Kattegat's newest oracle.
Mara sits at the center of the darkly lit hut where the old seer sat so many times before her- lounging comfortably on plush and exotic throws. She warms her hands by the fire and waits- expecting a visitor to soon arrive.
The wooden door creaks and the cloth fabric covering the door soon tears open- letting in streams of sunlight into the room. Mara tenses- straining her eyes and furrowing her brows as Ivar on his crutches enters into the small hovel.
Seer, were you expecting me?
Ivar says this in a teasing and almost sing-song manner.
Actually, yes. I was.
Ivar scoffs, and goes to sit across from the seer.
You have questions I presume?
Yes, why did you not tell on me?
And what purpose would it have served if I did?
Nothing, because I would have killed you were you stood.
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Oh, my King better men than you have tried and failed.
Ivar narrows his eyes at her- sizing her up, before cracking a wide wolfish grin.
I think I like you seer...
I am flattered...tis a great honor to have the approval of a King.
God, you mean.
Ivar...Ivar...Ivar...please don't try and take me for a fool. It is most insulting.
Ivar's body tenses and he clenches his jaw. Mara stares at the young Viking King bemused- a flicker of mischief alit in her eyes that seems to taunt Ivar further and further.
Ivar reaches down and clutches the hit of his dagger. Mara sees him reach for the blade and smirks- daring him to make a move.
Ivar's nostrils flare, and he suddenly slams a dagger down mere inches from Mara's leg.
Mara doesn't even stir or moved. Unfazed- she looks down at the knife and then to Ivar; a look of total disinterest painting her face.
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Are you done now?
Ivar grabs his knife- sheathing it; his bluff effectively having been called.
Tell me my future and fate seer. Perhaps, you see more than the old man did.
I have told many a man's fate- and many were not happy with the words that I spoke.