You're Unbelievable

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It's be weeks that I have been with Zach. Is he is amazing but lately he has been way more distant. I feel as there is someone in the way in our relationship. I think I know who it is, his friend from Texas, Kay. She is the sweetest girl in the world and I guess I won't care if he left me for her. I love him but I cannot do the distance anymore.

I decided to text him

Y/N🌸❤️~ can you come home? I need to talk to you...
Zach❤️🍯~ yea i will be home soon. Why? What's wrong?
Y/N🌸❤️~ i am fine. we just need to have a talk.
Zach❤️🍯~ okay see you soon love

I just don't respond because I can't even. Maybe I should have go after Daniel when I had the chance. I heard a knock at my door. "Come in." I say. "So you want to talk." Zach says walking in my room. "Yup. How is she?" I ask. "Um who is she exactly?" Zach asks. "Kay." I say with a serious face. "She is good. Last time I hung out with her, she was talking about a new song of hers." Zach says. He continues to talk about Kay. "Zach why are you still with me if you're in love with Kay?" I ask. Man I just went for it. "Y/N! You're unbelievable!I love you and no one else!" Zach yells at me. "If you love me you won't yell at me. Zach you have been so distance. Even not on tour you're distance. Zach you spend your time with her and your family. No time for me. I get why you spend time with your family but you spend the rest of your time with her. ZACH YOU CLEARLY LOVE HER!" I yell. "I can't believe you right now! You know I am way to busy to hang out with anyone! I am always at the studio! I barely couldn't come here!" Zach says clearly lying. "Fine! Explain why your manager always tell me you're with Kay!" I say. Bitch I came prepared. He is just standing there shocked. "I am sorry, Y/N. Look Kay and I have had feelings for each other for a long time, and I guess since now we can be open about our relationship..... I just though I wanted to be with Kay. Look you are a very good girlfriend and anyone would be lucky to have you. You do anything you can for the ones you love, and that is what every guy wants in a girlfriend." Zach says. "Zach. Look I am not mad okay. I am happy for you and Kay. I know you two go way back and clearly have feelings for each other. Thank you for being my boyfriend and now being completely honest with me." I say. "I just feel like a jerk for just leaving you for another girl." He says looking down. "Zach honestly it's fine. You're not a jerk if I understand why you're leaving me for her." I say. He looks up at me with sadness in his eyes. "We can still be best friends, right? And you and Kay will still be friends, right?" He asks. "Zach. We will be best friends unless the world ends. and Kay and I will still be good friends.... actually I want to be better friends with her." I say. His eyes lighten up a lot. "I am glad you are so understanding. Some girls would have killed me already at this point." He says. I laugh. "Well I ain't one of those bitches." I say. We both start laughing. "Well I am glad we can still be best friends. Just wait a bit to tell Jonah and Daniel so they don't kill me." He says. Once again I laugh"Okay I won't tell him..... wait Daniel? Why can't I tell him?" I ask. "Oh crap," he whispers underneath his breathe. "Because Daniel would tell Jonah." he says really fast. hmm what the hell does he know. "Zachary Dean Herron what the hell do you know?" I ask. He gets really nervous. "Daniel will tell Jonah." He says trying to convince me. "Yea sure..... if you tell me I will get you chicken tenders." I say. "Fine, anything for chicken tenders. Daniel likes you. Still." He says. "Okay thank you for telling me. And telling me the truth. Now I will give you 15 bucks to get chicken tenders." I say. I hand him 15 bucks and Zach leaves my room.

Later on that day......

I head downstairs to the kitchen. I see Daniel and Corbyn sitting on the stools by the counter. Corbyn looks over to see me. "Oh hey there Y/N." Corbyn says. "Hey Bean." I say. "Helloooo I am here." Daniel says. "Hey there Dani." I say. I walk over to the fridge and open it. "We have no food. You guys want pizza?" I ask. "Yup I will go order it." Corbyn says getting up and walking away. "So Y/N how was your day?" Daniel asks me. "It was okay I guess but Zach and I broke up today." I say. "You and Zach broke up? Are you okay? Do I need to kill him?" He asks. "It's fine it was mutual. He is in love with Kay and I could clearly see it so I broke up with him." I tell Daniel. "Okay good or there would have only be 4 members of Why Don't We." He says. I nervously laugh. I know the answer to the question I am about to ask. "Why are you so overprotective of me?" I ask. "Because...... I like you." Daniel says. "Wow. I didn't think I get it out of you that easily." I say. "Wait what?" He asks confused. "Oh nothing just Zach told me not to tell you about him and I breaking up because you like me." I say smirking. "Oh I see. So do you like me?" Daniel asks. "Umm" I say. THANK GOD! Corbyn comes back in the kitchen. "The pizza guy will be here in like 5 minutes." Corbyn says. "Okay, thanks Corbyn." I say trying to make this less awkward.

After the pizza gets there and they eat it.......

"Y/N can we talk? Alone upstairs in your room?" Daniel asks. "Um why can't we talk here?" I ask. "Please." Daniel says. "Fine." I say. We both head up the stairs to my room. "What do you wa..," I start to say but then something well someone stopped me by kissing me. Daniel is kissing me. I kiss back and then pull away. "this isn't talking to me." I finished my sentence. "Well it answers my question." He says. "What was your question?" I ask. "If you like me too," He says smiling "which you clearly do." I just smile and shake my head. "whatever Daniel." I say. I sit on my bed. "would you go on a date with me?" Daniel asks. "Yes I will." I say.


How did you like this chapter? It's a bit shorter than the rest of the chapters. Also do you want me to find a way to add in Gabbie and Lavender? Anyway enjoy the rest of your day. Also on June 21 I get to go see the boys perform. I can't wait. Bye loves ~ Gabby 💜🍯

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